Trang thông tin về du học đại học,cao học tại Nhật JPSS > Tin tức/Thông tin có ích về du học > 2023/01/13
2023/01/13 Trường Đại học Musashino Ngành Toàn cầu
Online Study in Japan Fair Myanmer,Cambodia,Laos and ASEAN on 23rd, 25th / January
Musashino University will take part in Fair and hold an online information session on 23rd, 25th / January.
We will introduce in details about Musashino University, admissions, scholarship, school life, etc.
Please check the below link and proceed the schedule button for the register.
※Our information session will conduct in English.
●Date of Musashino University information session
・23rd Jan. Mon. 12:10 – 13:10 (GMT+6.5)
・25th Jan. Wed. 12:10 – 13:10 (GMT+6.5)
-Musashino University -
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