日本留学信息网站JPSS > 从学校中查询
共1182所学校 第1页
[«多摩美术大学» 继续查看]
[«帝京大学短期大学» 继续查看]
[«东京商业学校» 继续查看]
[«武藏野大学» 继续查看]
[«昭和音乐大学» 继续查看]
[«关西大学» 继续查看]
[«新泻医疗福祉大学» 继续查看]
[«Senzoku Gakuen College of Music» 继续查看]
从1992 年开设课堂以来,留学生别科迎来了来自各个国家和地区的留学生。我们保留了尽量迎合每个留学生需求的详尽细致的教学方法,在新的教学过程中,还增加了留学生与日本人共同修习的机会,使得留学生在更多场合...
[«爱知淑德大学» 继续查看]
[«东京观光专门学校» 继续查看]
Learn AGRICULTURE, FOOD SCIENCE and BUSINESS in the midst of the thriving food industry in "Niigata" and gain capability in the domain of "Food" in Japan and around the world.
[«Niigata Agro-Food University» 继续查看]
In today’s increasingly global society, people are expected to contribute widely to Japan and the world, and to act as leaders for the next generation. Waseda University has produced many great th...
[«Waseda University» 继续查看]
Since its inception, Musashi University has continued in efforts to nurture global leaders under the philosophy of one of our school’s three pillars “to produce individuals equal to the challenge o...
[«Musashi University» 继续查看]
Our founding spirit consists of three main principles: Christianity, Liberalism and Internationalism. Doshisha was founded by Joseph Hardy Neesima in 1875 as the first Japanese school advocating th...
[«Doshisha University» 继续查看]
IUJ aims to cultivate future global leaders capable of finding practical solutions to the various global issues facing the world.
On a campus rich in nature, 380 students from 70 countries and reg...
[«International University of Japan» 继续查看]
Sapporo University offers degrees equivalent to those of other universities in eight majors: economics, business administration, law, English, Japanese language and culture, history and culture, sp...
[«Sapporo University» 继续查看]
Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ), offers you a unique opportunity to receive an American university education in Tokyo. A TUJ degree is the same one you would earn at Temple University in the ...
[«Temple University, Japan Campus» 继续查看]