日本留学信息网站JPSS > 从东京都的从大学中查询 > 昭和女子大学 > 人类文化
正在考虑去昭和女子大学留学的各位: JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT 是财团法人亚洲学生文化协会和倍楽生(倍乐生)股份有限公司共同主办的面向外国留学生的日本留学信息网。 昭和女子大学的人类文化 学部、食品与健康科学 学部、人类社会 学部、国际商务 学部、国际 学部、环境设计 学部等,不同系的详细信息都分别登载在此信息网上。正在寻找昭和女子大学的留学信息的各位同学,请利用此网查询。另外,在此网上登载着约1300条大学、大学院、短大、专门学校正在招收留学生的信息。
东京都 / 私立
New programs and scholarships for international students will begin in the 2025 academic year!
<Faculty of International Studies, Department of International Studies Track for International Students starts!>
This program is designed for international students. Students must take English and Japanese as their foreign language.
EJU score criteria are not required! (Exams required)
After admission, students will receive an intensive Japanese language program, generous study support, and systematic career education, while enhancing their expertise and developing the skills required in a global society.
For more information, please check the website of the Department of International Studies, School of International Studies.
*Only the Department of International Studies in the School of International Studies is accepting applications.
<Scholarships for International Students>
1. entrance fee waiver scholarship
International students enrolling in a regular course of study at the university are eligible for a full waiver of the entrance fee.
Certain conditions and an application at the time of application are required to use this system.
2. tuition fee waiver system for privately financed international students
Tuition is reduced or exempted for international students who meet certain conditions and are enrolled in a regular course of study, depending on their academic performance.
The tuition reduction rate ranges from 20-60% depending on the GPA of the semester immediately prior to the application.
The tuition reduction rate for the first semester of enrollment is a flat rate of 30%.
*2024 Open Campus will be held on the following dates
June 23 (Sunday) 9:30-15:30
July 21 (Sunday) 9:30-15:30
August 17 (Saturday) 9:30-15:30
August 18 (Sun.) 9:30 - 15:30
For more information, please visit the Showa Women's University Open Campus website.
*Please note that due to various circumstances such as disasters and infectious diseases, some of the information on the entrance examination and Open Campus may be subject to change.
Please be sure to check the university's admissions information website for any changes.
邮政编码 | 154-8533 |
咨询地址 | 1-7-57 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo |
咨询部门 | Admission Center |
电话号码 | 03-3411-5154 |
传真号码 | 03-3411-4640 |
留学生特别考试 | 有留学生特别考试 |
招生人数 | 若干名 (2025年度) |
参加考试人数 | 11人 (2024年度) |
合格人数 | 5人 (2024年度) |
在籍留学生数(持留学签证) | 19人 (2024年度) |
在籍私费留学生数 | 19人 (2024年度) |
报名费 | 35,000 日元 (2025年度) |
入学金 | 200,000 日元 (2025年度) |
教育费/年 | 855,600 日元 (2025年度) |
其他费用 | 355,400 日元 (2025年度) |
交纳金的延迟/退还申请 | 可 |
备注 | Tuition and "Other expenses" vary depending on the department. [Tuition Fees] Department of Japanese Language and Literature 855,600 yen Department of History and Culture: 885,600 yen [Other Expenses] Department of Japanese Language and Literature 885,600 yen Department of History and Culture: 382,400 yen All of the following programs can be used in combination. [Scholarships for international students] 1. Admission fee waiver scholarship International students enrolling in a regular course of study at the University are eligible for a full waiver of the admission fee. Certain conditions and an application at the time of application are required to use this system. 2. Tuition fee reduction and system for privately financed international students Tuition is reduced for international students who meet certain conditions and are enrolled in a regular course of study, depending on their academic performance. The tuition reduction rate ranges from 20-60% depending on the GPA of the semester immediately prior to the application. For the first semester of enrollment, the tuition reduction rate is a flat 30%. |
学科 | 日语日本文学、历史文化 |
申请资料发布时期 | 7月上旬 |
大学单独考试的历年考题 | 需咨询 |
入学年月(春期) | 2025年4月入学 |
申请时期的开始日期 | 2024年11月22日 |
申请时期的结束日期 | 2024年12月2日 (当日邮戳有效) |
考试日期 | 2025年1月11日 |
合格公布日期 | 2025年1月17日 |
入学手续截止日 | 2025年1月27日 |
渡日前的手续-来自海外的直接申请 | 可 |
渡日前的手续-来日参加考试 | 要 |
大学单独考试的科目 | 资料审查、小论文、面试 |
日本留学考试-指定科目 | 日语 |
日本留学考试-出题语言 | 日语 |
日本留学考试-参照考试 | 2023年6月以后的考试 |
英语考试 | 不举行 |
日语能力考试 | 不要 |
备注 | 1、日语留学考试(2015年度或2016年度)的「日语(读解、听力、听读解)」的总分在250分以上者,或通过日语能力考试一级(N1)者。 2、日本留学考试(2015年度或2016年度)「日语」以外的考试条件是:心理系,参加「综合科目」及「数学(课程1或课程2)」考试者;健康设计系,参加「理科(化学、生物)」考试者;商务设计系,参加「综合科目」考试,并且成绩在100分以上者。 |
最后更新日期: 2024年06月26日