学部情報 | College of Policy Studies | Tsuda University | 日本への留学情報ならJPSS

学部情報 | College of Policy Studies | Tsuda University | 日本への留学情報な...


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Tsuda Universityへの留学をご検討されている方へ。JAPAN STUDY SUPPORTは、公益財団法人アジア学生文化協会と株式会社ベネッセコーポレーションが共同運営している外国人留学生向け日本留学情報サイトです。Tsuda UniversityのCollege of Liberal Arts学部やCollege of Policy Studies学部等、学部別の詳細情報も掲載していますので、Tsuda Universityに関する留学情報をお探しの方は是非ご利用下さい。その他、外国人留学生募集をしている約1,300校の大学・大学院・短大・専門学校情報も掲載しています。

大学 東京都  / 私立

津田塾大学 | Tsuda University

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College of Policy Studies

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The College exists to provide knowledge and problem-solving skills required by modern society.

While Japan is a highly developed country it faces a number of serious social issues that young people must help address, inclusing an ageing population, the impact of globalization and the role of information technology. In order to herp them do so, the College of Police Studies strives to cultivate young female leaders fluent in English and skilled at communication, who are also equipped with practical data analysis for solution-oriented policy-making.

Department of Policy Studies
Developing problem-solving skills built upon a foundation of English fluency and analytical ability.

In the Department of Policy Studies, studies in English language, the social sciences, and the data sciences form a foundation for cultivating problem-solving skills. Using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) methods, students identify problems on their own initiative, and then actively carry out research and investigation into possible solutions. Notably, for their second-year seminar, students engage in internships and volunteer work as well as fieldwork for promoting concrete, practical learning.


