Faculty information | Intercultural Studies | Gakushuin Women's College | JPSS for international students

Faculty information | Intercultural Studies | Gakushuin Women's Coll...

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To Foreign Students Considering Studying in Gakushuin Women's College. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT is a website jointly operated by The Asian Students Cultural Association and Benesse Corporation. It provides information about studying in Japan.
The website also provides detailed information about Gakushuin Women's College and its faculty of Intercultural Studies. Take full advantage of the site to learn everything you would like to know about Gakushuin Women's College.
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University Tokyo  / Private

学習院女子大学 | Gakushuin Women's College

  • Intercultural Studies

Intercultural Studies

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Faculty information

Striving for mutual understanding though learning in-depth about the cultures of Japan and other countries

In the Department of International Cultural Exchange students will learn about Japan and other countries as they deepen their international understanding. The Department endeavors to produce female leaders capable of working both in Japan and around the globe, in an ever-increasing globalized era.

Putting on a Japanese kimono in the Yuusoku Kojitsu class (that teaches students traditional Japanese customs)

Putting on a Japanese kimono in the Yuusoku Kojitsu class (that teaches students traditional Japanese customs)

Registered international students (by year)

Department of Japanese Studies
In the Department of Japanese Studies students gain a deep understanding and global perspective so that they can accurately transmit Japanese culture to those abroad.

1. Extensive learning from a cultural perspective.

This department offers a rich curriculum that investigates art and thought, folklore and history, and contemporary society from various angles and allows students to gain an understanding of the traditions and history of Japanese culture.
Students can undertake meaningful study according to their personal interests.

2. Develop an understanding of Japanese culture through both practice and theory.

Students will have the chance to gain practical training in traditional Japanese cultural activities such as tea ceremony, flower arrangement, Japanese calligraphy, incense appreciation, and yusoku-kojitsu (traditional court rules of ceremony and etiquette) in general education classes.
Meanwhile, lecture subjects are offered in specialized classes to allow for theoretical understanding.
Our university’s distinctive curriculum aims to build a deep understanding of traditional culture through both practical and theoretical study.

3. Cultivating strong communication skills.

As interest in Japanese culture continues to spread throughout the world, we work to cultivate strong communication skills in our students so that they will have the necessary linguistic proficiency and information processing capabilities to share information about the characteristics of Japanese culture with the rest of the world.

The chance to study alongside many talented international students in a fulfilling learning environment is also an appealing feature of our university.

4. The freedom to study across departmental boundaries.

As well as taking specialized classes offered in the Department of Japanese Studies, students can also take general education classes and classes from other department’s specialized classes that meet their personal interests.
Studying across a wider range in this way will broaden the future possibilities for our students.

From third year, the program is divided into the following four courses:
Folklore and History Course, Japanese Language and Literature Course, Art Culture and Art Management Course, and Contemporary Culture Course.

Department of Intercultural Communication
Equipping students with strong communication skills and an international perspective

1. Increasing communication through intercultural understanding.

In order to realize a better international society, it is imperative that we have an understanding of other cultures.
To this end, students in this department will learn about various cultures of different regions in the world by looking at both the past and the present.

2. Understanding global society from a multifaceted perspective.

In order to understand global society, students investigate how countries coexist by studying a wide range of topics including politics, economics, business, law, development, environment, and the media.

3. By undertaking a wide range of study, students will find the topic that they truly want to investigate.

As interest in Japanese culture continues to spread throughout the world, we work to cultivate strong communication skills in our students so that they will have the necessary linguistic proficiency and information processing capabilities to share information about the characteristics of Japanese culture with the rest of the world.

The chance to study alongside many talented international students in a fulfilling learning environment is also an appealing feature of our university.

4. The freedom to study across departmental boundaries.

As well as taking specialized classes offered in the Department of Intercultural Communication, students can also take specialized classes from other departments and other universities that meet their personal interests.
For example, undertaking a deeper study of Japanese culture, and gaining the ability to share this understanding with the global society, will broaden the future possibilities for our students.

From third year, the program is divided into the following four courses:
International Relations Course, Regional Cultures Course, Cultures of the English-speaking World Course, and General English Course.

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