Thông tin ngành học | Faculty of Law | Meiji Gakuin University | JPSS, trang chuyên về thông tin du học Nhật Bản

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Dành cho các bạn đang có dự định du học trường Meiji Gakuin University. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT là trang thông tin về du học Nhật Bản dành cho du học sinh nước ngoài, được đồng vận hành bởi Hiệp hội Asia Gakusei Bunka và Công ty cổ phần Benesse Corporation. Trang này đăng các thông tin Ngành Faculty of LettershoặcNgành Faculty of EconomicshoặcNgành Faculty of Sociology and Social WorkhoặcNgành Faculty of LawhoặcNgành Faculty of International StudieshoặcNgành Faculty of PsychologyhoặcNgành Faculty of Mathematical Informatics của Meiji Gakuin University cũng như thông tin chi tiết về từng ngành học, nên nếu bạn đang tìm hiểu thông tin du học liên quan tới Meiji Gakuin University thì hãy sử dụng trang web này.Ngoài ra còn có cả thông tin của khoảng 1.300 trường đại học, cao học, trường đại học ngắn hạn, trường chuyên môn đang tiếp nhận du học sinh.

Đại học Tokyo, Kanagawa  / Tư lập

明治学院大学 | Meiji Gakuin University

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Faculty of Law

■Meiji Gakuin University carries out a foreign student examination for foreigners.
For the details, please visit the following Web site.
■Only the department of Global and Transcultural Studies,it offers especially application methods.
For the details, please visit the following Web site.

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Thông tin ngành học

Deepen understanding of the law and government, cultivate problem-solving skills, and become a creator and a protector of society

The Faculty of Law currently has 4 departments, and provides education under the basic philosophy of training skilled, self-confident individuals that can assume the unique roles in society that only graduates of the Faculty of Law can realize. Emphasis is placed on understanding the basics of the spirit and order of law from the perspective of real-world applications. Major laws as well as fields of law that address various changing social needs are studied, and a wide variety of classes are also provided that cover areas such as information, the environment, consumer finance, and business activities.
The legal frameworks that support governments are also studied in-depth, and many political science classes are available. In addition, real-world case studies and seminars give students personal insight into various legal issues. Graduates of the Faculty of Law join the legal profession in roles that include judicial scriveners and tax accountants, or join government or corporate entities to contribute to society.

Mock trials are held in classrooms set up as courtrooms.

Mock trials are held in classrooms set up as courtrooms.

Students learn how to gather and utilize legal information.

Students learn how to gather and utilize legal information.

Seminars on private international law.

Seminars on private international law.

Department of Juridical Studies
Training students to use their legal knowledge and thinking to fulfill their personal social responsibilities

Students in the Department of Juridical Studies are trained to become "true legal professionals" that can use their legal knowledge and thinking to fulfill their own social responsibilities. Many opportunities await graduates of Department of Juridical Studies according to each individual's career interests and passions, including continued studies in graduate school, the acquisition of professional certifications, or employment in government organizations, companies, and in other activities that benefit public interest. Students can get support for acquiring certifications, preparing for public service exams, and job-hunting from the Shirokane Law Society , a group comprised of current students, graduates, and faculty, as well as from the "Public Service Exam Seminar", which holds a variety of extra-curricular lectures. Students are given close, detailed guidance through small class sizes and a Teaching Assistant (TA) program where graduate students help teach the department's classes. Typical university-style seminars are held from the first year onwards, which allows students to build bonds with their teachers at an early stage and establish the foundation for specialized studies in later years. One of the notable off-campus courses offered is a seminar on Wine laws that features tours of a winery and readings in English.

Department of Current Legal Studies
Learning to use computer technology to address legal issues in fields at the forefront of today's society

Computer network technologies are applied towards the study of legal issues in fields at the forefront of today's society, such as consumer law, corporate law, and environmental law. Modern society is facing rapid, complex changes in terms of families, cities, social welfare, and the media, and to address these, specialized legal knowledge beyond basic constitutional law, civil laws, and criminal codes are required, such as in environmental protection law for addressing environmental issues. Such specialized legal frameworks are studied along with the computer skills required to practically apply this knowledge effectively in our modern society. Other available courses include seminars in consumer law as taught by experts in the field, information processing and legal information processing seminars that integrate the use of notebook computers, and environmental science courses that cover the mechanisms of our natural environment and the effects human activity has on it. Students will cultivate sound judgment through a strong understanding of theory balanced with hands-on learning. By passing specific courses and taking exams, students can acquire professional certifications as consumer rights advocates and advisors.

Department of Global Legal Studies
Cultivating of human resources with a high level of problem solving legal abilities

Increasingly more and more of the things going on around us are becoming internationalized, and even in Japan, what we do as individuals are becoming more globalized. In this international society, with widespread internet usage and the boarders between countries becoming smaller and smaller, there is an increasing demand for human resources capable of approaching different situations from a ‘legal’ perspective. In an effort to cultivate human resources with the skills and knowledge to help bridge Japan with the rest of the world Meiji Gakuin University is opening The Department of Global Legal Studies in April 2018.
As part of the English education, all students are required to study abroad in the Fall semester of their second year, choosing from one of 6 universities in 5 countries that share an exchange agreement with Meiji Gakuin. In addition to studying in English about the law of the country they are in, students will also interact with locals and experience the culture, fostering communication skills, cultural understanding and the ability to solve legal issues from a more global perspective.
Through the compulsory ‘Introduction to Global Law’ course students will acquire a strong foundation in legal knowledge. Small class numbers and individual guidance will foster academic literacy, and students will become confident in presentations and debating etc. Students will prepare for their study abroad program by taking credits in English classes on Japanese Law and Business Communication Skills. After returning to Japan they will take applied and advanced lectures, including English courses on law, politics and culture and courses to further enhance their legal English skills.

Department of Political Science
Study with a global perspective to find solutions political problems, from community issues to national policies

The Department of Political Science strives to train educated political citizens equipped with the judgment and critical thinking skills to be able to speak their mind when the situation calls for it. In order to realize this, the department provides basic courses in political theory and seminars in fundamentals, when are then built upon into a solid structural framework through a variety of courses. Practical skills are cultivated through progressive and systematic study in the 3 fields of Governance, Global Politics, and Media Politics. Experts active in the business world and journalism give lectures through "General Program". A multitude of other study programs deepen students' learning within individual themes, including seminars, graduation thesis writing, fieldwork and internships during elections, special political science lectures, comprehensive courses, and readings on specialized topics.

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