Physical Education, Health Science | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

Physical Education, Health Science | JPSS, the information site of studying i...

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JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > Subject > List of fields of study > Physical Education, Health Science

Introduction of Studies Physical Education, Health Science

Physical Education, Health Science

Researching human exercise scientifically.

Physical education and health sciences is the study of human growth and development from child to adult, as well as the promotion of human health and the advancement of sports activities. Research is divided into two areas, covering the mechanisms and movements of the body during exercise in fitness theory studies, and the analysis of changes resulting from long-term, systematic, and continuous exercise along with the research of training methods in the area of training theory studies. Fields of study within physical education and health sciences are broadening as people take a greater interest in their health, and as the level of competitive sports continues to rise. Research topics include competitive athlete development, training guidance methods, and the promotion of lifelong sports that people of all ages can enjoy.

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札幌大学 | Sapporo University

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大阪教育大学 | Osaka Kyoiku University

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関西大学 | Kansai University

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龍谷大学 | Ryukoku University

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同志社大学 | Doshisha University

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愛知淑徳大学 | Aichi Shukutoku University

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