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전 171개교 1페이지
1935년 창립 이래 미국에서도 높은 평가를 받고 있는 전위예술운동 ‘모노파’를 이끈 세키네 노부오(関根伸夫), 스가키 시오(菅木志雄) 등, 영국 박물관에서 만화가로서 세계 최초로 개인전을 개최한 다케다 히데...
[«타마 미술대학» 다음 항목 열람]
Osaka Kyoiku University has over 140 years of history and tradition, and is one of Japan’s few nationally-established education universities. The Department of Education provides programs for culti...
[«Osaka Kyoiku University» 다음 항목 열람]
Celebrating our 100th anniversary in 2024, Musashino University is a university with a rich history and tradition. Founded on the Buddhist spirit, Musashino University has changed with the times: i...
[«Musashino University» 다음 항목 열람]
It is a global campus where about 500 international students from all over the world study.
It was founded in 1639 as a dormitory of Nishi Honganji Temple.
Today, the university has campuses in Kyo...
[«Ryukoku University» 다음 항목 열람]
Hiroshima University is a national institution founded in 1949, incorporating many different institutions of higher education. HU has been growing ever since; adding new schools, research institute...
[«Hiroshima University» 다음 항목 열람]
Sapporo University offers degrees equivalent to those of other universities in eight majors: economics, business administration, law, English, Japanese language and culture, history and culture, sp...
[«Sapporo University» 다음 항목 열람]
Be a part of the inaugural intake of international students at Aichi Shukutoku University—a university which nurtures your ability to survive the next generation by discovering your own identity th...
[«아이치슈쿠토쿠대학» 다음 항목 열람]
Located in Osaka, a city brimming with history and tradition, Kansai University is a comprehensive private university with approximately 30,000 students. In addition to the wide variety of courses ...
[«Kansai University» 다음 항목 열람]
Tsuda University is a private institution of higher education for women with a history of more than 120 years since its founding. Tsuda's two colleges and the Graduate School are now located o...
[«Tsuda University» 다음 항목 열람]
Our mission is to foster global citizens who embody the school motto of “Mastery for Service” in accordance with the principles of Christian education.
Kwansei Gakuin University is a comprehensive...
[«Kwansei Gakuin University» 다음 항목 열람]
In today’s increasingly global society, people are expected to contribute widely to Japan and the world, and to act as leaders for the next generation. Waseda University has produced many great th...
[«Waseda University» 다음 항목 열람]
At FWU,we aim to foster women who can contribute to the creation of a better society both in Japan and internationally from the perspective of Asia and the entire world by developing their knowledg...
[«Fukuoka Women's University» 다음 항목 열람]
1.YNU conducts cutting-edge research.
2.YNU offers practical education.
3.YNU is an ideal place to study and live.
4.YNU is supportive.
5.YNU is cost effective.
YNU values international students a...
[«Yokohama National University» 다음 항목 열람]
Our founding spirit consists of three main principles: Christianity, Liberalism and Internationalism. Doshisha was founded by Joseph Hardy Neesima in 1875 as the first Japanese school advocating th...
[«Doshisha University» 다음 항목 열람]
Tokyo Metropolitan University(TMU) is the only university operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
One of key long-standing features of TMU is that the high level of research skills o...
[«Tokyo Metropolitan University» 다음 항목 열람]
1.Research First
Tohoku University is ranked number 1 in the 2023 Time Higher Education Japan University rankings for 4 consecutive years. Recognized by MEXT as one of the country’s top institution...
[«Tohoku University» 다음 항목 열람]