생활과학에관하여 배울 수 있는 대학에서 유학지를 찾기 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS

생활과학에관하여 배울 수 있는 대학에서 유학지를 찾기 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS

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> 생활과학에관하여 배울 수 있는 대학에서 유학지를 찾기

생활과학에관하여 배울 수 있는 대학에서 유학지를 찾기

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전 225개교 1페이지

타마 미술대학

사회에 새로운 가치를 창출하는 크리에이터를 육성

1935년 창립 이래 미국에서도 높은 평가를 받고 있는 전위예술운동 ‘모노파’를 이끈 세키네 노부오(関根伸夫), 스가키 시오(菅木志雄) 등, 영국 박물관에서 만화가로서 세계 최초로 개인전을 개최한 다케다 히데...
[«타마 미술대학» 다음 항목 열람]

타마 미술대학 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드

10개 학부 33개 학과의 폭넓은 분야에서 ‘자기류(自分流)’의 미래를 발견한다

테이쿄대학은 의과・문과・이공계 등 10개 학부 32개 학과로 구성된 종합대학교. 실천적인 지식과 기술을 익힐 수 있는 “실학”, 이문화 이해의 학습・체험을 하는 “국제성”, 필요한 지식・기술을 폭넓게 배우는“...
[«테이쿄대학» 다음 항목 열람]

테이쿄대학 학부일람

Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University is a national institution founded in 1949, incorporating many different institutions of higher education. HU has been growing ever since; adding new schools, research institute...
[«Hiroshima University» 다음 항목 열람]

Hiroshima University 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드
Kyoto University of Advanced Science

It is Time for our University to Be Reborn

Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS) is an accredited four-year private university which was founded in 1969 in Kameoka City in the west of Kyoto Prefecture. In addition to this, KUAS has r...
[«Kyoto University of Advanced Science» 다음 항목 열람]

Kyoto University of Advanced Science 학부일람

Ryukoku University

By nurturing citizens with "Magokoro (Sincerity)" and creating new knowledge and values, we will become a platform to overcome ...

It is a global campus where about 500 international students from all over the world study. It was founded in 1639 as a dormitory of Nishi Honganji Temple. Today, the university has campuses in Kyo...
[«Ryukoku University» 다음 항목 열람]

Ryukoku University 학부일람


Be a part of the inaugural intake of international students at Aichi Shukutoku University—a university which nurtures your ability to survive the next generation by discovering your own identity th...
[«아이치슈쿠토쿠대학» 다음 항목 열람]

아이치슈쿠토쿠대학 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드
Kwansei Gakuin University

Cultivating global citizens who embody “Mastery for Service”.

Our mission is to foster global citizens who embody the school motto of “Mastery for Service” in accordance with the principles of Christian education. Kwansei Gakuin University is a comprehensive...
[«Kwansei Gakuin University» 다음 항목 열람]

Kwansei Gakuin University 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드
Showa Women's University

Women will change the world.

The educational philosophy of Showa Women's University lies in its motto: "Be a light to the world". This is reflected in the university's educational goal of cultivating not ju...
[«Showa Women's University» 다음 항목 열람]

Showa Women's University 학부일람

Fukuoka Women's University

Educating the next generation of female leaders

At FWU,we aim to foster women who can contribute to the creation of a better society both in Japan and internationally from the perspective of Asia and the entire world by developing their knowledg...
[«Fukuoka Women's University» 다음 항목 열람]

Fukuoka Women's University 학부일람

The University of Nagano

Cultivating active leaders with a global perspective

Established in April, 2018 as a public university in the nature-rich Nagano prefecture, the University of Nagano has three principles as its mission: Development of Leaders, Regional Innovation, an...
[«The University of Nagano» 다음 항목 열람]

The University of Nagano 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드
Hokkaido Bunkyo University

Hokkaido Bunkyo University, carefully nurturing valuable personnel.

The origins of Hokkaido Bunkyo University date back to 1942, when, during the throes of World War II, the founders Shintaro Tsuruoka and his wife Toshi established the Hokkaido Women’s Nutrition Co...
[«Hokkaido Bunkyo University» 다음 항목 열람]

Hokkaido Bunkyo University 학부일람

Aikoku University 학부일람

Aichi Gakuin University 학부일람

Aichi Gakusen University 학부일람

Aichi University of Education 학부일람

Aichi Prefectural University 학부일람

Aichi Institute of Technology 학부일람

Aichi Sangyo University 학부일람

Aichi Toho University 학부일람

Aoyama Gakuin University 학부일람

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Temple University, Japan Campus
Meiji Gakuin University
Teikyo University
Sapporo University