名古屋大学の留学生 メッセージ動画をUP致しました... | News | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan | 2013/11/01 update

名古屋大学の留学生 メッセージ動画をUP致しました... | News | JPSS, the informa...

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JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > News/Useful information for studying abroad > 2013/11/01


2013/11/01 Useful information

New message videos uploaded: International students at Nagoya University

・Ms.Victoria Warne-Lang
・Ms.Izma Rindamelia Effendi

We have just interviewed with two students.
Meet and listen to them!

▼Click here for more messages from experienced international students.

http://www.jpss.jp/ja/movie/  (Japanese)
http://www.jpss.jp/en/movie/   (English)
http://www.jpss.jp/ko/movie/   (한국어)
http://www.jpss.jp/zh-cn/movie/  (中文(简体字))
http://www.jpss.jp/zh-tw/movie/ (中文(繁體字))

Nagoya University

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