미술・디자인에관하여 배울 수 있는 대학에서 유학지를 찾기 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS

미술・디자인에관하여 배울 수 있는 대학에서 유학지를 찾기 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS

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> 미술・디자인에관하여 배울 수 있는 대학에서 유학지를 찾기

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전 59개교 1페이지

타마 미술대학

사회에 새로운 가치를 창출하는 크리에이터를 육성

1935년 창립 이후, 미국에서 높게 평가받은 전위 미술 운동 “모노파”를 이끌은 세키네 노부오, 스가키 시오, 대영 박물관에서 만화가로서는 세계 최초로 개인전을 연 다케다 히데오, 이탈리아를 거점으로 세계 무...
[«타마 미술대학» 다음 항목 열람]

타마 미술대학 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드
Osaka Kyoiku University

A long history and record of achievement as one of Japan’s few national education universities

Osaka Kyoiku University has over 140 years of history and tradition, and is one of Japan’s few nationally-established education universities. The Department of Education provides programs for culti...
[«Osaka Kyoiku University» 다음 항목 열람]

Osaka Kyoiku University 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드
Showa Women's University

Women will change the world.

The educational philosophy of Showa Women's University lies in its motto: "Be a light to the world". This is reflected in the university's educational goal of cultivating not ju...
[«Showa Women's University» 다음 항목 열람]

Showa Women's University 학부일람

Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University is a national institution founded in 1949, incorporating many different institutions of higher education. HU has been growing ever since; adding new schools, research institute...
[«Hiroshima University» 다음 항목 열람]

Hiroshima University 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드
Waseda University

From the past Waseda of Japan to the future WASEDA of the world: Spreading Our Academic Wings

In today’s increasingly global society, people are expected to contribute widely to Japan and the world, and to act as leaders for the next generation. Waseda University has produced many great th...
[«Waseda University» 다음 항목 열람]

Waseda University 학부일람

Aichi University of the Arts 학부일람

Aichi Sangyo University 학부일람

Akita University of Art 학부일람

J. F. Oberlin University 학부일람

Osaka University of Arts 학부일람

Otemae University 학부일람

Okayama Prefectural University 학부일람

Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts 학부일람

Kanazawa College of Art 학부일람

Kyushu Sangyo University 학부일람

Kyoto University of the Arts 학부일람

Kyoto City University of Arts 학부일람

Kyoto Seika University 학부일람

Kyoto Arts and Crafts University 학부일람

Kyoritsu Women's University 학부일람

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Teikyo University
Temple University, Japan Campus
Meiji Gakuin University
Sapporo University