関西学院大学 経営戦略研究科 【IMC Class Visit】Did you know that KGU has ... | ニュース | 留学情報サイトJPSS | 2024/09/20 update

関西学院大学 経営戦略研究科 【IMC Class Visit】Did you know that KGU has ... ...


日本の大学、大学院留学情報JPSS > ニュース/留学に役立つ情報 > 2024/09/20


2024/09/20 関西学院大学 経営戦略研究科 学校ニュース

【IMC Class Visit】

Did you know that KGU has the MBA course conducted in English?
Our MBA course, i.e. International Management Course (IMC) at Institute of Business & Accounting (IBA) now offers Class Visits for open to anyone who are interested in our program!!
If you are interested in our IMC, please choose the classes you wish to attend and register through the website below.
Feel free to visit our campus!!

*Details: https://iba.kwansei.ac.jp/en/imce/news/detail/?nnum=27459

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