Informasi fakultas | Economics | Universitas Musashino | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Informasi fakultas | Economics | Universitas Musashino | Jika ingin belajar d...

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Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Universitas Musashino. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas KewiraswastaanatauFakultas Well-beingatauFakultas Fakultas GlobalatauFakultas EngineeringatauFakultas Data ScienceatauFakultas LiteratureatauFakultas EconomicsatauFakultas Business AdministrationatauFakultas LawatauFakultas Human Sciences, Universitas Musashino. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Universitas Musashino, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

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Universitas Musashino | 武蔵野大学 | Musashino University

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【2024 September Enrollment /Global Business】

July 12, 2024 (Fri), application will be closed to accept.

Global Business is offered as English- taught undergraduate program. Japanese language skill is not required when applying. For more details, please refer to application guidelines.

Enrollment period :2024 September
Application period :July 1, 2024 (Mon) - July 12, 2024 (Fri)
Examination Date :July 28, 2024 (Sun)
Selection Method :Interview and oral exam for 15 min at Ariake Campus
English eligibility :TOEFL iBT®: 61 or above / IELTS (Academic): 5.5 or above /
TOEIC® (L&R): 700 or above

※Please note that this admission is for those who live in Japan currently.

Musashino University Admissions Office
Tel: 03-5530-7300 (+81-3-5530-7300)
(Office hours: 8:45 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays and 8:45 am to 3:00 pm on Saturdays)

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Informasi fakultas

Training personnel who will study economics with a global perspective and contribute to social development.

Economics is a broad academic field that is related to so many different areas of our society. We teach students to investigate the background and causes of the issues facing society and the economy and develop the skills to provide resolutions and reforms for those issues, cultivating leaders who can contribute to social development with a broad perspective and global sensibility.

Faculty of Economics– what makes us stand out!

■ High quality classes that teach statistical techniques and foster data analysis ability.
Empirical research from data analysis and econometrics are becoming more and more important in the field of economics. In the Department of Economics, we offer well-developed classes and seminars that teach the statistical methods that are imperative to such data analysis.

■ Step-by-step systematic approach to learning and working towards achieving SDGs.
We present a curriculum that allows students to systematically learn about economics in a step-by-step approach, introducing the foundations, applications, latest theories, and history of economics. We aim to proactively research and work towards reaching SDGs which are also important economic objectives, with faculty members’ specialties and teaching subjects closely tied to SDG targets such as decent work, economic growth, and no poverty.

Here at the Department of Economics, we learn how to analyze various social issues from a theoretical, statistical, and historical approach.

Here at the Department of Economics, we learn how to analyze various social issues from a theoretical, statistical, and historical approach.

Teaching staff respect students’ choices and provide a relaxed learning environment where students can easily voice opinions and are free to ask questions.

Teaching staff respect students’ choices and provide a relaxed learning environment where students can easily voice opinions and are free to ask questions.

Sharpen your presentation ability through Q&A discussions with fellow students in small-group seminars.

Sharpen your presentation ability through Q&A discussions with fellow students in small-group seminars.

Daftar jurusan

Department of Economics
Producing personnel with a global perspective who will contribute to social development.

In the Department of Economics, we have prepared a curriculum that teaches by stages, from introductory and fundamentals to development, application, and cutting-edge research according to recent theories.
Students logically and empirically analyze and attempt to understand various economic phenomena and statistical data occurring in modern society to gain a precise judgment and deep insight in a rapidly globalizing world.
We cultivate our students into leaders with a global perspective who will contribute to social development.

■ Examples of future career prospects
Domestic and international blue-chip firms, banks, financial institutions (brokerage firms, insurance firms, etc.) employees of NPOs and NGOs, consultants, analysts, graduate study.

[Ariake campus]

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