Tsuda University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Tsuda University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Jika Anda lulus fungsi perekrutan Anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

> > Tsuda University

Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Tsuda University. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas College of Liberal ArtsatauFakultas College of Policy Studies, Tsuda University. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Tsuda University, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

Universitas Tokyo  / Sekolah swasta

津田塾大学 | Tsuda University

Empowering Women to make a difference

Tsuda University is a private institution of higher education for women with a history of more than 120 years since its founding. Tsuda's two colleges and the Graduate School are now located on two campuses. The College of Liberal Arts and the Graduate School are on the Kodaira Campus, which is surrounded by nature while conveniently located in the suburbs of Tokyo. The College of Policy Studies and the Teaching English as a Foreign Language graduate program are on the Sendagaya Campus. This is located in the heart of Tokyo near Shinjuku Gyoen, one of the city's largest and most popular parks. We are proud of the high quality of our education and the close relationships between students and faculty members. Over the years, Tsuda University has earned an excellent reputation for producing distinguished alumnae who have contributed to society locally as well as internationally in various fields.

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Tsuda University Daftar fakultas

  • Ujian masuk Mahasiswa Asing Kapasitas penerimaan jumlah peserta lolos ujian Biaya pendaftaran Biaya masuk Biaya kuliah per tahun Kontak Alamat
    Ada seleksi khusus untuk mahasiswa asing Beberapa (TAHUN FISKAL 2025) 3 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2024) 35,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025) 200,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025) 825,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025) 2-1-1 Tsudamachi, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo
    • Department of International and Cultural Studies
    • Department of English
    • Department of Mathematics
    • Department of Computer Science
    • Department of International Cooperation and Multicultural Studies
  • Ujian masuk Mahasiswa Asing Kapasitas penerimaan jumlah peserta lolos ujian Biaya pendaftaran Biaya masuk Biaya kuliah per tahun Kontak Alamat
    Ada seleksi khusus untuk mahasiswa asing 5 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2025) 0 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2024) 35,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025) 200,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025) 880,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025) 2-1-1 Tsuda-machi, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo
    • Department of Policy Studies

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