東北大学 国際学士コース Application Guide for FGL Undergraduate courses... | ニュース | 留学情報サイトJPSS | 2024/01/10 update

東北大学 国際学士コース Application Guide for FGL Undergraduate courses... | ...


日本の大学、大学院留学情報JPSS > ニュース/留学に役立つ情報 > 2024/01/10


2024/01/10 東北大学 国際学士コース 学校ニュース

Application Guide for FGL Undergraduate courses October 2025 Enrollment has been published.
Students who are interested in the FGL undergraduate program, please visit the following FGL website for the application guidelines for October 2025 enrollment.
FGL Website: https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/degree/undergraduate-english/

★The Future Global Leadership (FGL) Program of Tohoku University has three undergraduate degree courses in English and it provides students with a solid foundation in their chosen area and exposure to cutting-edge research.

★If you add Tohoku University to your favorites, you can receive more information about the FGL course every season.

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