横浜国立大学 横浜グローバル教育プログラム(YGEP) ○●Call for Applications "YNU Spring Progra... | ニュース | 留学情報サイトJPSS | 2022/01/06 update

横浜国立大学 横浜グローバル教育プログラム(YGEP) ○●Call for Applications &am...


日本の大学、大学院留学情報JPSS > ニュース/留学に役立つ情報 > 2022/01/06


2022/01/06 横浜国立大学 横浜グローバル教育プログラム(YGEP) 学校ニュース

○●Call for Applications "YNU Spring Program 2022"●○

We are delighted to announce that YNU Spring Program 2022 will be held from Tuesday, February 8 to Thursday, February 10, 2022.
In consideration of COVID-19, we will organize the program on-line this time.

All the details can be obtained from the flyer attached herewith and the URL below:

We are quite sure that the participants will enjoy the variety of categories in this program such as the introduction to Japanese culture, a virtual tour to Japan, the seminar on the Global Environment involved in UNESCO projects where participants will work in groups themselves and the opportunities to interact with YNU students.
All the sessions will be held in English basically and some Japanese as well.

We are looking forward to seeing you!!

Yokohama National University
International Education Division

●YNU Website:https://www.ynu.ac.jp/english/
●Admissions and Aid :https://www.ynu.ac.jp/english/admissions/
●Why Study at YNU?: https://www.whystudyat.ynu.ac.jp/international/

» 横浜国立大学 横浜グローバル教育プログラム(YGEP)の学校情報を見る

