日本の大学、大学院留学情報JPSS > ニュース/留学に役立つ情報 > 2021/06/10
2021/06/10 叡啓大学 ソーシャルシステムデザイン
Online University Event on June 20, 2021
We will hold an online university seminar for those who are interested in admission to our university. If you are interested, please visit our website.
1 Date
Sunday, June 20, 2021 Morning Session/ Afternoon Session (All in Japan Standard Time, UTC+9)
2 Venue
To be held via the Zoom online meeting application
*Advance application required.
*URL will be sent to the applicants.
3 Target
Prospective students, guardians, etc.
4 Content
【Part 1】 Language: Japanese
(1)University information, Admissions information
(2)Messeges from our founding students
*To be held via Zoom Webinar.
*You can freely enter and exit during the event.
【Part 2】Language: (Morning session) Japanese, (Afternoon session) English
Model Lectures
You can experience our model lectures online!
*To be held via Zoom meeting.
*1 Class will be held in morning and afternoon session.
*Seating capacity: 20
【Part 3】
Online chatroom
You will have an opportunity to talk with our faculty members.
*To be held via Zoom meeting.
*One group with Japanese and one group with English.
*Seating capacity: 10 each
5 Advance Application
We are now accepting applications from the following URL.