日本の大学、大学院留学情報JPSS > ニュース/留学に役立つ情報 > 2019/11/14
2019/11/14 横浜国立大学 YOKOHAMA Socrates Program
○●[NEW!] YOKOHAMA Creative-City Studies (YCCS) Application Guidelines●○
Application guidelines for October 2020 admission have been released.
○●[NEW!] Application Guidelines for YNU Recommended Candidates of Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship 2020 (Research Student by University Recommendation [General]) ●○
Application guidelines for 2020 admission have been released.
○●[NEW!] Application Guidelines for Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program by China Scholarship Council (CSC)●○
Application guidelines for admissions in October 2020 or April 2021 as doctoral students (Doctoral Students) and for admissions in Fall semester 2020 or Spring semester 2021 as special research doctoral students (Co-supervised Doctoral Study Students) under the Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program have been released.
○●[NEW!] Interview●○
New interviews of international students have been updated on our website “Why Study at YNU?”. You can see our international students talking about their life and study at YNU, their dreams for the future, and messages to international students who are considering studying at YNU.
(in English)
(in Japanese)
Yokohama National University
International Admissions Office
●YNU Website:https://www.ynu.ac.jp/english/
●Admissions and Aid :https://www.ynu.ac.jp/english/admissions/
●Why Study at YNU?: https://www.kokusai-senryaku.ynu.ac.jp/whystudyatynu/