Informasi fakultas | Art and Design | Tama Art University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

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Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Tama Art University. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas Art and Design, Tama Art University. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Tama Art University, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

Universitas Tokyo  / Sekolah swasta

多摩美術大学 | Tama Art University

  • Art and Design

Art and Design

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Informasi fakultas

Faculty of Art and Design Educational Goals

In addition to liberal arts subjects, in which students gain knowledge, students also take specialist subjects in one of 15 departments, specializations, and courses to acquire high-level skills. PBL (Project Based Learning) courses, joint overseas projects, and industry-academia-government collaboration also help in our goal to cultivate excellent artists and creators who can contribute to, and give a new value to, our society.



Holding public presentations

Holding public presentations

Art Studio

Art Studio

Informasi mahasiswa asing terdaftar (Tahun fiskal)

Dan lain-lain15
Japanese Painting Course
A pioneering spirit of free expression based on tradition

The Japanese Painting Course continues to expand students’ possibilities through unrestrained creativity. In recent years, Japanese-style painting has attracted worldwide attention, and many international students have come to study in this global environment. The free spirit fostered by exposure to a variety of expressions based on tradition has nurtured not only artists who bring bold creativity to Japanese art, but also a wide variety of creators in fields such as publishing, games, and animation.

Oil Painting Course
Developing fundamental skills that support free creative activity.

Tama Art University’s Oil Painting Course, which boasts the largest number of students in Japan, has always been at the forefront of the movement and has produced talented artists who demonstrate creativity that transcends preconceived notions. Students develop independence and the ability to make judgments based on advanced technical acquisition through technique courses in various fields of expression and with an array of materials, as well as through regularly held review sessions. Many students engage in independent activities, and through participation in open competitions and independent exhibitions, they develop negotiation and production skills that can be utilized in a wide range of situations.

Graphic Arts Course
Transversing art and design to explore expressions in the digital age

The technology for reproducing and distributing information, which supports the information society, was pioneered through printmaking. From copperplate engraving and lithography, which began from Western printing technology, and from woodblock prints such as ukiyo-e, prints developed in both the East and the West as artistic expression in the age of reproduction technology. In this course we explore the possibilities of printmaking that expands to the forefront together with tradition, cultivating individuals who can think from a unique perspective that crosses the boundaries of art and design.

Department of Sculpture
The ability to understand and create three-dimensional structures expands your opportunities.

While fostering the skills to understand and create sculptures in three dimensions, the Department of Sculpture aims to nurture the next generation of artists who can create new value for society. The department has graduated a diverse range of human resources who are able to successfully utilize their fixed knowledge and technical skills which remain unaffected by the changing times—from artists, students going on to higher education, and faculty and staff, to graduates who move into positions that require 3DCG technology such as car modelers, and toy, game, and character designers. Students pursue a wide variety of expressions, and concurrently study everything from traditional molding and materials to mixed media and video expression.

Department of Ceramics, Glass and Metal Works.
Cultivating ”the ability to create things" and "the ability to express with things".

In the Department of Ceramic, Glass and Metal Works, we cultivate "the ability to create things" and "the ability to express oneself with things" through classes in which students work freely with ceramics, glass, and metal in the interplay between materials, the body, and thought. Through exploring aspects of crafts that change through the ages from both theoretical and technical perspectives, we can tone up creative and expressive skills that can be applied in a wide range of fields in design and art. The Department boasts one of the largest workshops of any university in Japan, and sets out to nurture creative individuals through learning that connects with society by planning, managing and giving presentations of works both on and off campus.

Department of Graphic Design
Producing Japan's leading talents in various fields of visual design.

With a history of more than 80 years, the Department of Graphic Design, has produced some of Japan's leading talents in various fields of visual design, including in advertising, graphic design, illustration, and animation. With a curriculum focusing on figuring out what it really means to study design at an art university, this department aims to cultivate the next generation of talented creators, who can use their clear vision and rich and varied modelling techniques to solve problems.

Product Design Course
Producing many of Japan's leading designers through multifaceted learning.

Product design refers to the design of all the things that support our daily lives. To become a product designer, it is necessary to learn many perspectives, including not only function and form, but also specialized knowledge of production and manufacturing, and an understanding of the society and cultures that form the background of our daily lives. The aim of this course is to foster world-class designers through active learning, tackling a variety of issues while building up students’ resourcefulness as well as their ability to express themselves and think critically on their future individual career paths.

Textile Design Course
Learning to design "cloth" that colors our daily lives and cultivating human resources who will be active in the global community.

The Textile Design Course aims to develop in our students the knowledge and skills to design textiles, which refers to all types of cloth, and to foster human resources who will play an active role in the textile industry around the world. Students study fibers from raw materials and acquire skills in knitting, braiding, weaving, dyeing, printing, sewing, and more. Equipped with world-class printing facilities, computerized weaving machines, and recycling machines, students can participate in industry-university collaborative projects and exchange programs both within Japan and overseas.

Department of Architecture and Environmental Design
Mastering the concept of designing spaces from a variety of studies across three fields.

Through a design curriculum defined by “spaces”, including architecture, furniture and interior, residential houses, parks and cities, students will acquire structural knowledge and design skills that combine art and engineering, and that can be used in future careers as architects in their respective fields. The department provides a rich production environment, with a large drafting table set up for each student, and also focuses on industry-academia joint research to cultivate skills that will be useful to society. Students can achieve the qualification to take national Kenchikushi (Japan’s qualified and registered architect) license examinations.

Art and Media Course
Transcending the boundaries between art and design to develop new and unknown fields.

As the only educational institution in Japan specializing in "media arts," this course provides an environment in which students can challenge new forms of expression that transcend the boundaries between art and design. In order to open up new and unknown fields, students study the latest digital technology as well as basic design such as photography and craft art in a multidisciplinary environment, fostering human resources capable of implementing creative initiatives for the future.

Information Design Course
Fostering creative human resources who can work beyond the boundaries of design studies and information science.

Utilizing all forms of media, from the internet to books and more, the Interaction Design Course cultivates human resources with a creativity that extends beyond the boundaries of design studies and information sciences. From researching services that use AI and big data, to UI/UX design, programming, and new design methods that incorporate information science knowledge, students will learn hands-on about practical design for society in this course. In recent years, we have been engaged in a number of research projects in collaboration with leading media companies, and continue to nurture talented individuals who are increasingly sought after by society.

Department of Art Studies
Fostering talented individuals who can communicate the value and appeal of art to the world.

The Department of Art Studies fosters human resources to disseminate art and fine arts to the world, as curators, teachers, editors, art historians, critics, art producers and more. As a department of art studies set within a fine arts university, the department can uniquely offer practical courses such as painting and sculpture, as well as designing and publishing magazines and books in the production studio and editorial office established within the department. Students can make the most of the advantages of being at an art university by interacting with many artists, while learning about art and fine arts from both theoretical and expressive perspectives, through lectures and practical training such as curating exhibitions and practicing media production.

Department of Integrated Design
Learning to design for complex challenges, regardless of the domain.

The Department of Integrated Design fosters designers who can conceive and materialize a beautiful society. We provide a new design education space that addresses the complex issues that make up society and industry by removing the traditional divisions between disciplines and using integrated design as a starting point. Students will look at various issues in society and learn methods for designing all related elements in a continuous flow from the observation and research stages to idea conception and creation, and then to communication and materialization stages.

Drama and Dance Course
Fostering expressionist dancers, directors, playwrights and other talented human resources for the performing arts.

Student in the Department of Scenography Design, Drama and Dance will study the performing arts through two intersecting courses—the "Drama and Dance Course" and the "Scenography Design Course". In the Drama and Dance Course, students will develop their basic physical expression skills as well as cultivating conceptual and creative abilities necessary for physical expression. We lay the foundation for our students to become involved in creation through practice and learning that deepens students’ thoughts. Our graduates have gone on to become actors, dancers, directors, choreographers, and playwrights.

Scenography Design
Training future generations of human resources in stage art, lighting, costumes, and other aspects of the performing arts.

Student in the Department of Scenography Design, Drama and Dance will study the performing arts through two intersecting courses—the “Drama and Dance Course" and the "Scenography Design Course". In the Scenography Design Course, the focus is on both practical training and theory through experience-based learning, as students gain a deep understanding of the comprehensiveness of performing arts through design work and staff work. Our graduates have gone on to become stage designers, lighting and costume designers, as well as stage directors pioneering new forms of expression in their respective fields.

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