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準備前往武蔵野大学留學的各位: 由財團法人亞洲學生文化協會及倍楽生(倍樂生)股份有限公司共同營運的JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT是提供外國留學生日本留學資訊的網站。武蔵野大学創業精神學部、Well-being學部、Global Studies學部、工學部、數據科學學部、文學部、經濟學部、Business Administration學部、法學部、人類科學學部等等,各科系的詳細資訊都分別刊載在此網站。有需要武蔵野大学留學資訊的各位同學,請多多利用此網站查詢。另外,此網站上也有刊載約招收留學生的1300所大學、大學院、短大、專門學校等資訊。

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武蔵野大学 | Musashino University

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【2024 September Enrollment /Global Business】

July 12, 2024 (Fri), application will be closed to accept.

Global Business is offered as English- taught undergraduate program. Japanese language skill is not required when applying. For more details, please refer to application guidelines.

Enrollment period :2024 September
Application period :July 1, 2024 (Mon) - July 12, 2024 (Fri)
Examination Date :July 28, 2024 (Sun)
Selection Method :Interview and oral exam for 15 min at Ariake Campus
English eligibility :TOEFL iBT®: 61 or above / IELTS (Academic): 5.5 or above /
TOEIC® (L&R): 700 or above


※Please note that this admission is for those who live in Japan currently.

Musashino University Admissions Office
Tel: 03-5530-7300 (+81-3-5530-7300)
Email: nyushi@musashino-u.ac.jp
(Office hours: 8:45 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays and 8:45 am to 3:00 pm on Saturdays)

  • 入學考試資料
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  • 設施介紹指南
  • 到訪指南


Graduates will create sustainable societies, having gained the skills for problem identification and solving from an engineering approach.

With the concept of creating sustainable societies in mind, the Faculty of Engineering will welcome the new “Department of Sustainability” in April 2023, adding to the current courses offered in the Faculty’s Department of Mathematical Engineering and the Department of Architecture. Our students will pursue expertise in various fields, developing leadership skills and the ability to work as generalists who will search out various problems in the world, and analyze, evaluate, and tackle these multifaceted problems from all angles.

Faculty of Engineering– what makes us stand out!

■Projects unique to each department

-Sustainability projects (Department of Sustainability)
Students will undertake required subjects from their first year through their third year in which they search for real-life problems in society and take on the challenge of resolving those issues. Project work includes practical projects working in collaboration with corporations and regional communities to solve real-life problems, as well as advanced research style projects that try to solve challenges before they become issues.

-Mathematical Engineering Projects (Department of Mathematical Engineering)
Students take the lead and create project teams, applying their mathematical engineering skills to tackle problem solving and achieve targets. Students pore over textbooks and technical documents, honing skills that they can transfer to the implementation of ideas. Though repeated trial and error, students learn the value of logically and clearly organizing their ideas and exchanging opinions in order to solve problems.

-Architectural Design Projects (Department of Architecture)
Students from all year levels participate together in projects on various themes that make use of our faculty's expertise, exhibiting their work and research findings to society.

We are nurturing students to develop expertise in mathematical engineering, so as to participate proactively in the creation of sustainable societies.

We are nurturing students to develop expertise in mathematical engineering, so as to participate proactively in the creation of sustainable societies.

Equipping students with the ability to design and realize sustainability in society and the environment.

Equipping students with the ability to design and realize sustainability in society and the environment.

With our department’s own project based education, students are cultivating skills in identifying and solving problems, teamwork, and the ability to take action.

With our department’s own project based education, students are cultivating skills in identifying and solving problems, teamwork, and the ability to take action.

Department of Sustainability (Opening April, 2023)
Aim to become environmental professionals who will lead society towards sustainability.

Adopting a curriculum that integrates humanities and science, the Department of Sustainability offers two courses that will provide students with the skills to promote sustainability. In the ‘Social Design Course’, students will learn about the framework of collaborating with various people in order to promote sustainability, and gain the skills to design and execute programs. The ‘Environmental Engineering Course’ prepares students with the power to consider and propose solutions to environmental issues through environmental research and analysis, and through the use of design and engineering methods.

■Examples of future career prospects
Leaders in charge of promoting sustainability in companies, national and local government bodies, and NPOs in all sectors; technicians and researchers employing science and technology to solve environmental and social problems in all sectors.

■Ariake Campus

Department of Mathematical Engineering
Nurturing students to take advantage of mathematical skills to contribute to the technological revolution.

Mathematical engineering aims to understand and find solutions for all kinds of social and natural phenomena through the ‘numerical language’ of numbers and symbols. In this department, this is applied to a variety of fields, including the financial world, security, logistics and transport, and virtual gaming. Students in this department will work toward achieving a sustainable society by gaining the skills to independently approach issues, understanding how to model phenomena, becoming personnel able to apply system designs, and by becoming data scientists who can find the true essence of problems from big data.

■Examples of future career prospects
Actuaries, manufacturing industries, financial institutions, information industries, data scientists, mathematical engineering researchers, mathematical technicians, space research, and graduate studies.

■Ariake Campus

Department of Architecture
Fostering talented individuals who can build a future through architecture based upon a deep understanding and respect towards people and the environment.

Students will study a broad spectrum of design, from architectural design and interior space, to environmental design. Our curriculum is designed to enable all our students to study specialized subjects step-by-step to work towards becoming first-class architects. Architectural design strength will be imparted through studio time dealing with architectural design problems, as well as through seminars that explore social issues. Students will develop a greater perspective to discover and solve problems as well as developing a practical ability to take action while improving their expressiveness and creative thinking skills through participation in contests and exhibitions.

■Examples of future career prospects
Architectural design offices, construction companies, architecture related firms, interior design offices, shop design and development firms, advertising and printing firms, production and design companies, and graduate studies.

■Musashino Campus




