Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan) (Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)) (專門學校(Specialist training course ), 高等專門學校(3rd to 5th year, Advanced course), 短期大學, 學部, 碩士, 博士) | 獎學金咨詢 | 留學信息網站JPSS

Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan)...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 獎學金咨詢 > Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan) (Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO))

Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan) (Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO))

最後更新日期: 2023年10月05日

實施團體 Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
支付對象的年度 2023-2024
申請方法 通過學校申請
申請時的居住地 日本以外
課程 專門學校(Specialist training course ), 高等專門學校(3rd to 5th year, Advanced course), 短期大學, 學部, 碩士, 博士
國籍 All countries that have diplomatic relations with Japan (applicants from Taiwan and Palestine are acceptable)
在留資格 Students without "College Student" visa can also apply (up to 90 days).
並給限制 You can get other scholarships less than 80,000 yen for a month.
其它關於申請的事項 Qualified Students accepted by Japanese school under the student exchange agreement or student exchange arrangement with their home school for from 8 days to 1 year
For details, please refer to P.6 of the following.
支付金額(日元) 80,000 yen for a month
支付期間(年) 8 dates to 12 months
采用(預訂)人數 5,000(予定) (Plan)
招募期間 Please contact the attending school outside Japan

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