日本の大学、大学院留学情報JPSS > 京都府の大学から留学先を探す > 同志社大学 > 国際教育インスティテュート
同志社大学への留学をご検討されている方へ。JAPAN STUDY SUPPORTは、公益財団法人アジア学生文化協会と株式会社ベネッセコーポレーションが共同運営している外国人留学生向け日本留学情報サイトです。同志社大学の国際教育インスティテュート学部や神学部や文学部や法学部や経済学部や商学部や理工学部や社会学部や政策学部や文化情報学部やスポーツ健康科学部や生命医科学部や心理学部やグローバル・コミュニケーション学部やグローバル地域文化学部等、学部別の詳細情報も掲載していますので、同志社大学に関する留学情報をお探しの方は是非ご利用下さい。その他、外国人留学生募集をしている約1,300校の大学・大学院・短大・専門学校情報も掲載しています。
京都府 / 私立
Almost 90% of international students on a college visa receive between 20% and 100% tuition reduction based on a competitive admission process.
For details, see the below web site.
We introduce real estate agencies and offer dormitories operated by the university or other organizations.
<Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for International Students Studying at Doshisha University>
Doshisha University has established a system that the university serves as a joint guarantor for international students who cannot find one.
Students can consult with a doctor at the Health Center and obtain mental health support at the Counseling Center. http://ois.doshisha.ac.jp/en/healthy_support/medical_examination.html
In order to support international students to achieve significant results in their studies and researches, we offer courses and classes to study Japanese language and culture in depth. In addition, a counseling service, “Office Hours,” is offered by full-time staff to provide advice on Japanese language studies to international students.
We offer International Peer Support Program to help international students adjust smoothly to student life in Japan. Doshisha peer supporters give advice on their studies and daily life as well as being their cross-cultural exchange partner.
The Center offers information, advice and seminars on employment. Several hundred companies each year approach Doshisha seeking to hire graduates with language abilities.
The Student Support Services Center provides general information concerning campus life and studies, and offers counseling and self-development activities to enhance students' campus life.