The Okazaki Kaheita International Foundation (日語學校, 碩士, 研究生, 其他(Including one year of Japanese language study at a Japanese language school specified by the foundation or one year of auditing a postgraduate course.)) | 獎學金咨詢 | 留學信息網站JPSS

The Okazaki Kaheita International Foundation (日語學校, 碩士, 研究生, 其他(In...


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The Okazaki Kaheita International Foundation

最後更新日期: 2023年10月05日

實施團體 The Okazaki Kaheita International Foundation
支付對象的年度 2023-2024
申請方法 通過學校申請
申請時的居住地 日本以外
課程 日語學校, 碩士, 研究生, 其他(Including one year of Japanese language study at a Japanese language school specified by the foundation or one year of auditing a postgraduate course.)
國籍 China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Taiwan
在留資格 College Student
年齡限制 Less than 25
其它關於申請的事項 Majors in Japan: Excluding medicine, dentistry and veterinary science
支付金額(日元) Master's course: 120,000 yen for a month. Research student and Japanese language school student: 100,000 yen for a month.
其他的支付 Entrance and tution fees, school examination fees, Travelling expenses (round trip), housing cost, cost of student commuter rail/bus pass
支付期間(年) Master's course: 2 years, Research student and Japanese language school student: 1 year
采用(預訂)人數 1-4
上一年度的采用人數 2/7
招募期間 November to February, January to March
招募截止日 2月, 3月

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