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研究科信息 | 医療福祉学研究科 | 新潟医療福祉大学(研究生院) | 日本的留學信息JPSS


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研究生院 新瀉縣  / 私立

新潟医療福祉大学 | Niigata University of Health and Welfare

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To be one of the leading Universities in Asia

In our endeavor to foster truly international human resources capable of succeeding in the fields of health and social welfare sciences on a global stage, the Niigata University of Health and Welfare offers an education that cultivates strong communication skills amongst students and faculty, skills that will help graduates achieve their goals in this age of internationalization.

Fostering professionals in the fields of health and social welfare sciences

With 14 fields over 4 majors in the Master’s Course, and 3 research fields offered in the Health and Welfare Major in the Doctoral Course, the Niigata University of Health and Welfare is truly meeting the needs of all fields. In addition, there are many students in the graduate school who are already working, giving other students the opportunity to learn how their studies and research can interconnect to other fields such as health, medical care, welfare and sports. Students also participate in a ‘Comprehensive Collaborative Seminar’ class with undergraduate students, learning about team medical care through group-work on specific cases.

Presenting posters at an international academic conference.

Presenting posters at an international academic conference.

Integrated General Seminar to learn the basic methods for collaborating with other professions

Integrated General Seminar to learn the basic methods for collaborating with other professions


Major in Medical and Rehabilitation Sciences (Master’s Course)
Promoting higher quality and a positive collaboration between health and welfare services

This major aims to foster highly talented educators and researchers, as well as graduates who can offer a high level of service by actively collaborating with other fields to meet the numerous needs and demands in the fields of health, welfare and medical care. Students learn about and research areas such as rehabilitation, prosthetics and orthotics, social welfare equipment and mental and physical functions etc.
Major Fields: Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy / Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences / Prosthetics, Orthotics and Assistive Technology / Safety and Risk Management for Medical Technology / Orthoptics and Visual Sciences / Emergency and Medical Science / Radiological Technology / Physical Anthropology

Major in Health Sciences (Master’s Course)
Promoting enhanced quality and positive collaboration of health and related services

This major aims to foster highly talented educators and researchers, as well as graduates who can offer a high level of service by actively collaborating with other fields to meet the increasing and diverse health needs of a rapidly aging society. Students learn and research about health sciences, focusing on the areas of nutrition, sports and nursing.
Major Fields: Health and Nutrition / Health and Sports / Nursing

Major in Social Welfare (Master’s Course)
Training highly-skilled health, medical and social welfare professionals

Students will study ways to provide comprehensive health, medical and welfare services, as well as measures to support the independence and improvement of quality of life for local citizens, including patients and persons with disabilities. These will be studied on national, organizational and individual levels, with an emphasis on how the three levels are interconnected. Through this, the Major in Social Welfare aims to contribute to improving the specialist knowledge, skills and quality of specialist workers in the fields of health, welfare and medical care.
Major Fields: Policies, Planning and Administration for Social Welfare / Management for Social Welfare

Field of Health Informatics and Business Administration (Master’s Course)
Training health informatics and business administration specialists for a new era of medical services

Informatics and Business Administration (Masters Course)
The purpose of this field is to foster highly trained specialists in health information management, who can promptly respond to the changing times and not only contribute to determining critical paths which delay the improvement of patient satisfaction and the quality and efficiency of hospital management, but also assess possible shortcuts for better services.
Major Fields: Health Informatics and Business Administration

Major in Health and Welfare (Doctoral Course)
Training human resources capable of consistent multidisciplinary care through health and welfare, and developing integrated social policies

Mind and Body Functions Field
This field addresses issues in interdisciplinary fields spanning sports, engineering, medicine and medical care, educating and researching about the functions of the body and mind from various perspectives. Students will use electrophysiological, biochemical and biomechanical methods to carry out detailed analysis into movement, motor ability, and behavioral and sensory functions. They will develop clinical problem-solving skills for higher brain dysfunctions such as movement disorders, dementia, apraxia, agnosia and aphasia, and conduct education research into the basic theories required to develop new treatments.

Welfare Ergonomics Field
This field scientifically examines how to adapt orthotics, prosthetics, shoes and other welfare equipment playing a role in improving the welfare of people with disabilities. Through this research we aim to use ergonomics methods and the latest computerized motion capture analysis to develop more advanced welfare tools and improve methods for rehabilitation and good health promotion.

Community and Global Health Welfare
With the aim of improving the health and welfare of people at both a local and international level, students study specialist fields such as preventative health, public health, international health, health policy and social welfare. A number of research methods are used, ranging from natural to social sciences, depending on the topic.

