學生生活支助 | 医療福祉学研究科 | 新潟医療福祉大学(研究生院) | 日本的留學信息JPSS

學生生活支助 | 医療福祉学研究科 | 新潟医療福祉大学(研究生院) | 日本的留學信息...


> > > 医療福祉学研究科

準備前往新潟医療福祉大学留學的各位:由財團法人亞洲學生文化協會及倍楽生(倍樂生)股份有限公司共同營運的JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT是提供外國留學生日本留學資訊的網站。新潟医療福祉大学医療福祉学研究科等等,各研究科的詳細資訊都分別刊載在此網站。有需要新潟医療福祉大学留學資訊的各位同學,請多多利用此網站查詢。另外,此網站上也有刊載約招收留學生的1300所大學、大學院、短大、專門學校等資訊。

研究生院 新瀉縣  / 私立

新潟医療福祉大学 | Niigata University of Health and Welfare

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  • 医療福祉学研究科


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  • 研究科信息
  • 學生生活支助
  • 設施介紹指南
  • 到訪指南


Tuition exemption for self-supporting (privately financed) international students

Self-supported (privately funded) international students can apply for a 50% tuition fee waiver. The university also has a number of other scholarships. In addition, students can also apply for scholarships offered through JASSO and other private organizations.

International Center supporting international students

The caring staff at the International Center provide students with support regarding their daily life in Japan and student life on campus. Please feel free to come to the center to ask about visas, housing and accommodation, course registration, scholarships, part-time jobs etc.

User-friendly research environment

Students can access wireless LAN from areas such as classrooms, the library and the student lounge. To accommodate students wanting to study at night and carry out research on Saturdays, the library is open from 9am until 10pm on weekdays and 9am until 5pm on Saturdays. Students can also remotely access electronic journals and certain databases from off campus.

International students actively engage in various activities and events.

Graduate students all have their own desk space.

Upgraded in 2016, the library stocks approximately 100,000 books and 1,300 academic journals titles.
(Access may be restricted to prevent the spreading of Covid-19.)

