芸術学研究科 | 日本大学(研究生院) | 日本的留學信息JPSS

芸術学研究科 | 日本大学(研究生院) | 日本的留學信息JPSS


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財團法人亞洲學生文化協會與倍楽生(倍樂生)股份有限公司共同營運管理的JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT網站裡有刊載著現有大約招收外國留學生的1300個學校的大學學部、大學院、短期大學、專門學校的招生訊息。
在這裡有刊載著日本大学的詳細招生訊息。有Law、Literature and Social Sciences、Economics、Commerce、芸術学研究科、International Relations、Science and Technology、Industrial Technology、Engineering、Medicine、Dentistry、Dentistry at Matsudo、Veterinary Medicine、Pharmacy、Integrated Basic Sciences、Bioresource Sciences、Law School、Journalism and Media、Social and Cultural Studies、Risk Management、Sports Sciences等各別研究科的不同訊息,以及招收名額、合格人數等考試資訊、設施介紹、聯絡方式等對外國留學生是必要之訊息都刊載於此,請務必查閱及利用此網站。

研究生院 東京都  / 私立

日本大学 | Nihon University


  • 入學考試資料
郵政編碼 102-8275
咨詢地址 4-8-24 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
咨詢部門 Admissions Office, Educational Affairs Section
電話號碼 03-5275-8311
傳真號碼 03-5275-8324
研究科特色 研究員的培養, 高級專業職業人才的培養, 擁有高級專業職業人才的培養課程及專業
課程 碩士・博士前期課程
專業 Literary Arts, Image Arts, Fine Arts and Design, Musical Arts, Performing Arts
歷年考題的公開 詳情請咨詢
報考資格 大學學部畢業水準以上
其他註意事項 學歷未滿16年者請事先咨詢
其他(Applicants to the Master's Program must have passed JLPT N2 or above, or must have scored 240 or above in Japanese (Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Listening-Reading Comprehension) and 35 or above in Japanese (Writing Comprehension) on EJU in November 2022, June 2023, November 2024, or June 2024 at the time of application. Applicants to the Graduate School of Art and Design are required to contact their desired academic advisor in advance (to confirm the content of their research) before applying. To designate your desired research advisor, please visit the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences website and check the research areas of each professor. Once you have decided on your desired research advisor, please contact him or her by Friday, July 19 using the "Advance Consultation/Contact Form" posted on the Graduate School of Art website during the application period. After confirming the desired research advisor and research area, the Graduate School Section, Educational Records and Programs Division will issue a "Letter of Confirmation of Prior Contact (事前連絡確認書)" to the applicant. It may take some time to receive it, so please contact us well in advance. (For inquiries, please contact) art.graduateschool@nihon-u.ac.jp)
2024年度的在籍留學生數 106人
檢定費 35,000 日元
入學金 200,000 日元
備註 「其他費用」因專業而異,請咨詢
1. Tuition fees vary by major (600,000 to 710,000 yen).
2. Annual 10,000 yen fee for Nihon University Alumni Association associate membership. At the final year, 10,000 yen is required as the 1st payment of a regular member of the association.
3. Some graduate schools require annual support/maintenance fees of 10,000 to 40,000 yen (2024 academic year). For details, check the guidance page on the online application site.
4. After enrollment, the university may request voluntary donations to support educational, research, and medical activities.
入學年月 2025年4月
申請類別 Examination at the university
個別資格審查的截止日期 2024年7月10日
申請時期的開始日期 2024年7月19日
申請時期的結束日期 2024年9月10日 (必須寄達)
考試日期 2024年11月14日
合格公布日期 2024年11月27日
考試/遴選方式 考試因專業而異,詳情請咨詢
課程 博士・博士後期課程
專業 Arts
歷年考題的公開 詳情請咨詢
報考資格 碩士畢業水準以上
其他註意事項 學歷未滿18年者請事先咨詢
其他(Applicants to the Doctoral Program must have passed JLPT N2 or higher, or must have scored 240 or above in Japanese (Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Listening-Reading Comprehension) and 35 or above in Japanese (Writing Comprehension) on EJU in November 2022, June 2023, November 2024, or June 2024 at the time of application. Applicants to the Graduate School of Art and Design are required to contact their desired academic advisor in advance (to confirm the content of their research) before applying. To designate your desired research advisor, please visit the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences website and check the research areas of each professor. Once you have decided on your desired research advisor, please contact him or her by Friday, July 19 using the "Advance Consultation/Contact Form" posted on the Graduate School of Art website during the application period. After confirming the desired research advisor and research area, the Graduate School Section, Educational Records and Programs Division will issue a "Letter of Confirmation of Prior Contact (事前連絡確認書)" to the applicant. It may take some time to receive it, so please contact us well in advance. (For inquiries, please contact) art.graduateschool@nihon-u.ac.jp)
2024年度的在籍留學生數 12人
檢定費 35,000 日元
入學金 200,000 日元
教育費/年 700,000 日元
其他費用 200,000 日元
第一年度的費用總和 1,100,000 日元
備註 1. 10,000 yen is required for every year as the alumni association fee (associate member). At the final year, 10,000 yen is required as the 1st payment of a regular member of the association.
2. Depending on the research department, 10,000 to 40,000 yen is required as the supporter's association fee or the maintenance association fee (2024FY). Details will be noticed from each research department on the websites.
3. After admission, we would like to ask for your cooperation in the fund-raising business to improve the foundation of educational, research, and medical activities.
入學年月 2024年4月
申請類別 Examination at the university
個別資格審查的截止日期 2024年7月10日
申請時期的開始日期 2024年7月19日
申請時期的結束日期 2024年9月10日 (必須寄達)
考試日期 2024年11月14日
合格公布日期 2024年11月27日
考試/遴選方式 外語、口試、小論文、考試因專業而異,詳情請咨詢

最後更新日期: 2024年07月30日

