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正在考虑去東京都立大学留学的各位: JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT 是财团法人亚洲学生文化协会和倍楽生(倍乐生)股份有限公司共同主办的面向外国留学生的日本留学信息网。 東京都立大学的人文社会学部 学部、都市环境学部 学部、系统设计学部 学部、法学部 学部、经济管理学部 学部、理学部 学部、健康福祉学部 学部等,不同系的详细信息都分别登载在此信息网上。正在寻找東京都立大学的留学信息的各位同学,请利用此网查询。另外,在此网上登载着约1300条大学、大学院、短大、专门学校正在招收留学生的信息。
东京都 / 公立
Scholarships are available for international students.
The Tokyo Metropolitan University provides student dormitories on campus which is aimed for a good learning environment. The university also offers accommodation off-campus for international students.
Tokyo Metropolitan University provides a variety of systems to help and support international students. A tutoring system is in place for international students in their first year of enrollment at the university, providing help for aspects related to study and living in Japan. As a general rule, tutors are graduate students (including international students), whose major field of research is related to the majors of the students they tutor, and who have been selected based on their professors’ recommendation.
The international student counseling room is open to all international students studying at Tokyo Metropolitan University. International Student Advisors provide counseling and advice on various matters relating to study, living in Japan, relationships and other things that students are concerned or worried about.
Various events and seminars are held to promote exchange amongst international students.
Website in Japanese:
All international students studying at Tokyo Metropolitan University are eligible to take Japanese language classes.
The International Affairs Office at Tokyo Metropolitan University provides Japanese academic writing support for international students. This program is intended to help international students prepare academic papers and reports in Japanese by themselves.
External View of the Library
Minami-Osawa Campus
Campus Restaurant