GIGA (Global Information and Governance Academic) Program -Faculty of Policy Management/Faculty of Environment and Information Studies | 慶應義塾大学 | 日本的留学信息JPSS

GIGA (Global Information and Governance Academic) Program -Faculty of Policy ...


> > > GIGA (Global Information and Governance Academic) Program -Faculty of Policy Management/Faculty of Environment and Information Studies

财团法人亚洲学生文化协会和倍楽生(倍乐生)股份有限公司联合经营管理的日本学习支援网(JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT)正在招收外国留学生。现有大约1300个学校的大学学部、大学院、短大、专门学校的招生信息正登载于此网。
这里登载的是慶應義塾大学的详细招生信息。有PEARL (Programme in Economics for Alliances, Research and Leadership) 学部、Letters 学部、Economics 学部、Law 学部、Business and Commerce 学部、Medicine 学部、Science and Technology 学部、Policy Management 学部、Environment and Information Studies 学部、GIGA (Global Information and Governance Academic) Program -Faculty of Policy Management/Faculty of Environment and Information Studies 学部等各学部的不同信息。招收名额、合格人数等考试信息,以及设施介绍、联系方式等外国留学生必要的信息都登载于此,请务必查阅和利用此网。

大学 东京都  / 私立

慶應義塾大学 | Keio University

GIGA (Global Information and Governance Academic) Program -Faculty of Policy Management/Faculty of Environment and Information Studies

  • 入学考试资料
邮政编码 252-0882
咨询地址 5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa
咨询部门 Office of International Affairs, Shonan Fujisawa Campus
电话号码 0466-49-3628
传真号码 0466-49-3613
学部的特色 只用英语可以获得学位
留学生特别考试 有留学生特别考试
招生人数 50人 (2024年度)
参加考试人数 254人 (2023年度)
合格人数 101人 (2023年度)
在籍留学生数(持留学签证) 180人 (2024年度)
在籍私费留学生数 160人 (2024年度)
报名费 35,000 日元 (2024年度)
入学金 200,000 日元 (2024年度)
教育费/年 1,431,350 日元 (2024年度)
交纳金的延迟/退还申请 可垂询
备注 [Regarding the Application Fee]
• Applicants who have graduated (or are expected to graduate) from a high school in outside of Japan that offers a program under the school education system of a country other than Japan are exempt from paying JPY 30,000 yen of the application fee. Accordingly, qualifying applicants should pay an application fee of JPY 5,000.

[Regarding the Admission Fee, Tuition Fee, and Other Fees]
• The above fees are for the first year of students starting in April of 2024.
• For admission at the Fall Semester in September of 2024, please pay JPY 200,00 as the admission fee, JPY 915,725 as tuition.
• Applicants can select admission period from September or April at the application. In case of Winter AO 2024 (Global) [Admissions for the GIGA Program], admission period is September 2025 or April 2026.

[Regarding Late Payment and the Reimbursement of Paid Fees]
• Late payments will not be accepted.
• In cases where a student withdraws from admission, all paid fees except for the Admission Fee will be reimbursed.
学科 Faculty of Policy Management、Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
申请资料发布时期 随时
大学单独考试的历年考题 无历年考题
入学年月(秋期) 2024年9月入学
申请类别 Admissions for the GIGA Program
申请时期的开始日期 2023年12月12日
申请时期的结束日期 2024年1月31日 (必到)
合格公布日期 2024年3月15日
入学手续截止日 2024年5月10日(第一期截止日) 2024年7月26日(第二期截止日)
渡日前的手续-来日参加考试 不要
大学单独考试的科目 资料审查
日本留学考试-要/不要 若参加过考试,可作为参考。
日本留学考试-指定科目 While the submission of standardized test scores such as the SAT, is not an absolute requirement for application, applicants who have taken such tests are strongly encouraged to submit their results. For details, refer to the application guidelines.
日本留学考试-出题语言 英语
英语考试 Only those who graduated from a high school where English is not the primary language of instruction are required to submit the results of TOEFL or other tests proving English proficiency. For details, please refer to the application guidelines.
日语能力考试 不要

最后更新日期: 2024年06月12日



