Informasi fakultas | Political Science and Economics | Waseda University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

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Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Waseda University. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas Political Science and EconomicsatauFakultas Fundamental Science and EngineeringatauFakultas Social SciencesatauFakultas International Liberal StudiesatauFakultas Culture, Media and SocietyatauFakultas Creative Science and EngineeringatauFakultas Advanced Science and EngineeringatauFakultas LawatauFakultas Humanities and Social SciencesatauFakultas EducationatauFakultas CommerceatauFakultas Human SciencesatauFakultas Sport Sciences, Waseda University. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Waseda University, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

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早稲田大学 | Waseda University

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Political Science and Economics

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Informasi fakultas

The Fusion of Economics and Political Science

The predecessor of Waseda University, Tokyo Senmon Gakko (“Tokyo College”), was established in 1882 with three departments: the Departments of Political Economy, Law and Natural Sciences.

The School of Political Science and Economics is a central school of the university, which traces its roots back to the original Department of Political Economy and has developed alongside the university over the years.

There are few examples in the world of political science and economics coming together under one school while each maintains its own unique characteristics. This attempt represents the vision of the university’s founders, and their spirit of innovation is still evident in the present day, with current curriculum offerings ranging from basic theory to state-of-the-art courses.

Students in both the economics and political science departments are expected to take courses in the other department while pursuing their specialized learning. This will allow them to observe and research the mechanisms of modern society from both political and economic perspectives, as they intertwine in complicated ways in our modern society.

A free and open academic culture at The School of Political Science and Economics has cultivated thinkers to meet the needs of an increasingly sophisticated modern society. Its graduates have gone out into all areas of society, including politics, economics, media, research and education, national and local governments, law, and the arts. In addition, their activities range in scope from those at the local community level to positions at the national and international levels.

Degree Programs in English

The School of Political Science and Economics has established an English-based Degree Program AO Admission.

This program’s aim is to nurture individuals to have both a deep understanding of Japanese society based on political science and economics, and also to be able to analyze the problems faced by the world today and contribute to the creation of new regimes.

[Features of the Curriculum]
- Systematic and simultaneous learning in two disciplines: economics and political science
- Interdisciplinary courses providing an enriching education
- Cutting-edge curriculum that is both structured and flexible
- A wide offering of small, seminar-type classes in all grades
- Japanese learning programs based on level
- Extensive career planning support system

Major of Political Science
A Cutting-Edge Curriculum Developed from Liberal Traditions

As part of its traditions, the Department of Political Science has inherited a rigorous idealism in pursuing the analysis of complicated political phenomena by applying a fusion of political science and economics, and to convey its findings to the world at large.

Students and faculty expand on cutting-edge political science theories, building on the liberal spirit of the school’s early years and leading political science research and education in Japan. Political science is a complex academic discipline straddling a wide range of fields, including theory, history, philosophy, public policy and international relations.

By retaining a full-time faculty possessing a wealth of international experience in these fields and combining seminar-style small classes into the phased and systematic curriculum, the department serves to nurture thinkers who will possess both strong autonomy and unparalleled expert knowledge.

It is an environment where students can deepen their understanding of political science while engaging in friendly debate with a diversity of colleagues.

This program is a driving force in turning out excellent leaders in fields such as politics, finance, public service, and journalism.

Major of Economics
We will analyze complex economic conditions meticulously towards furthering the development of society.

While today's modern economy has become increasingly complex amongst rapid internationalization and the spread of information technology, various examples of institutional fatigue can be found surrounding the economic systems we have entrusted to perform these roles.

In the Department of Economics, we develop the skills to construct new systems through serious thought, discussion, and practice relating to these issues, using economics as our tool.

To this end, we have developed a systematic curriculum that values students’ autonomy and offers practical education to students in small-size classes.

Through this, we seek to rigorously train thinkers who can carefully analyze changing complex economic phenomena from an “economic” perspective and possess the fundamental skills to think, speak and act based on that analysis.

With these powers on-hand, our graduates find success globally in various fields beyond just the business world, including politics, journalism, in legal professions.

Major of Global Political Economy
Studying the trinity of public philosophy, political science and economics

Today’s society is experiencing rapid globalization, and those within it must possess an international perspective.

At the same time, we need to consider differences in cultural values in relation to various problems in the international community, and we cannot hope for a resolution to these problems without an applicable philosophy.

The Department of International Political Science and Economics seeks to nurture thinkers who can develop solutions for world issues, utilizing both economics and political science from an international perspective.

The most unique feature of this department is the opportunity to engage in simultaneous training in PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), thereby obtaining the ability to solve and analyze complex problems.

Public philosophy is widely seen as an important field for providing ideas for the formulation of new systems. A supplemental systemic and practical curriculum allows for unparalleled multi-disciplinary learning opportunities.

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