學系信息 | Faculty of Sociology and Social Work | 明治学院大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS

學系信息 | Faculty of Sociology and Social Work | 明治学院大学 | 日本的留學信...


> > > Faculty of Sociology and Social Work

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大學 東京都, 神奈川縣  / 私立

明治学院大学 | Meiji Gakuin University

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Faculty of Sociology and Social Work

■Meiji Gakuin University carries out a foreign student examination for foreigners.
For the details, please visit the following Web site.
■Only the department of Global and Transcultural Studies,it offers especially application methods.
For the details, please visit the following Web site.

  • 入學考試資料
  • 學系信息
  • 學生生活支助
  • 設施介紹指南
  • 到訪指南


Approach society from different viewpoints to acquire practical skills to make new discoveries and create a happier society

The Faculty of Sociology and Social Work strives to cultivate individuals with practical skills based on social openness and creativity through a multifaceted approach towards learning about our diverse, complex, ever-changing society. The systematic learning program features two departments, the Department of Sociology and the Department of Social Work, as well as a joint course that combines the two. Education in these programs is built up through the combination of foundation courses in sociology together with advanced practical lessons from social welfare faculty. Both departments emphasize hands-on learning in the field, which includes survey work, experiences in social work, and welfare development fieldwork where students can discover and explore various aspects of sociology and social work.
Furthermore, the faculty supports opportunities for students' active volunteer work with other students on campus as well as in local communities. This diverse curriculum brings students the joys of new discoveries, and these academic explorations are what make study in the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work exciting and fulfilling.

Scene of a seminar in the Department of Sociology

Scene of a seminar in the Department of Sociology

Field studies in Cambodia.

Field studies in Cambodia.

Presentations on discoveries in the field are given in follow-up classes.

Presentations on discoveries in the field are given in follow-up classes.

Department of Sociology
Strive to contribute to solving society's problems by cultivating intellectual curiosity and an understanding of "the other"

In the Department of Sociology, students strive to become able to explore society's problems and contribute to solutions through the cultivation of curiosity and interest in society as a whole. The curriculum covers various aspects of the field, from theoretical studies into sociology and social history, as well as practical research into aspects of society such as families, communities, industries, communication, and crime, as well as their relationships to social issues related to gender, medical care, and the environment. Three courses are available in the department, which provide opportunities for systematic, in-depth learning: Media and Culture, Life and Body, and Environment and Community. The department also features learning in small-size classes in a seminar format for first- and second-year students, where sociology literature and the basics of social research are studied. In these seminars, students report on their reading, investigations, and thoughts to cultivate active learning skills. For social research, fieldwork is emphasized as students go out into society to collect information and deepen their understanding of the real world. In their third and fourth years, further explorations are made into various topics through seminars and practical work, which students then use to write a graduation thesis. If certain course requirements are fulfilled, students can also acquire the professional qualifications of a social researcher.

Department of Social Work
Cultivating a new generation of knowledgeable social workers as a leader in Japan's social welfare traditions

The Department of Social Work was established in 1965, and since then it has played a leading role in Japan's social welfare research and education. The department features two courses, a Social Work Course for training highly-skilled social workers and psychiatric social workers, and a Welfare Development course, which focuses on the development of new approaches to social welfare. In their first year, students in both courses study social welfare fundamentals, and from the second year onwards they enter their respective course work. In the Social Work Course, hands-on learning and seminars for acquiring certifications are combined organically with lectures over the span of the 4-year program. In the Welfare Development Course, fieldwork and other studies are held in places such as Europe or Cambodia in a highly-flexible curriculum that does not specifically cover certification programs. While approximately one-third of graduates of the department go on to become social workers in youth guidance facilities and hospitals, many others go on to work in a variety of industries, such as finance and insurance. Whether working for the government or an NPO, or entering the education field or continuing to graduate studies, diverse career paths are available. Furthermore, with social welfare playing a more prominent role in the operations of private companies, opportunities for graduates in this field continue to grow going into the future.

