University of Tsukuba Imagine the Future Fair 2022開催のお知らせ!... | 新聞 | 留學信息網站JPSS | 2022/08/03 update

University of Tsukuba Imagine the Future Fair 2022開催のお知らせ!... | 新聞...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 2022/08/03


2022/08/03 University of Tsukuba 學校新聞

Announcement of Imagine the Future Fair 2022!

Imagine the Future Fair 2022
Date: October 4 (Japan time) Undergraduate programs
    October 5 (Japan time) Graduate programs
Language: English, Japanese
*For more information and registration, please visit

Imagine the Future Fair 2022, University of Tsukuba's online comprehensive study abroad fair, will be held on October 4-5 (Japan time). At the fair, all of University of Tsukuba's programs, including Japan-Expert program, as well as other English-based undergraduate and graduate programs, will come together to explain their special features and provide individual consultations with program faculty members. Those who wish to learn more about the University are welcome to attend.

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