Eikei University of Hiroshima Department of Social System Design 叡啓大学に関する質問大募集! 皆さんにもっと叡... | 新聞 | 留學信息網站JPSS | 2020/05/15 update

Eikei University of Hiroshima Department of Social System Design 叡啓大学に関...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 2020/05/15


2020/05/15 Eikei University of Hiroshima Department of Social System Design 學校新聞

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Please feel free to ask about our university, such as “What can I learn?” and anything else you may want to know more about.
Send your questions from the following URL!

* Please note that we may not be able to answer all of your questions as we are still under review for the establishment. In addition, the information within the answers may subject to change.

» Eikei University of Hiroshima Department of Social System Design的信息

