日本留学信息网站JPSS > 从广岛县的从研究生院中查询 > 広島大学 > 人間社会科学研究科
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这里登载的是広島大学的详细招生信息。有Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences、Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering、Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life、Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society、Phoenix Leader Education Program (Hiroshima Initiative) for Renaissance from Radiation Disaster、人間社会科学研究科等各研究科的不同信息。招收名额、合格人数等考试信息,以及设施介绍、联系方式等外国留学生必要的信息都登载于此,请务必查阅和利用此网。
广岛县 / 国立
邮政编码 | 739-8524 |
咨询地址 | 1-1-1 Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima-shi, Hiroshima (representative office) |
咨询部门 | Support Office for the fields of Education, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (representative office) |
电话号码 | 082-424-6705 |
传真号码 | 082-424-3478 |
研究科特色 | 研究员的培养, 拥有高级专业职业人才的培养课程及专业, 设有只用英语可以获得学位的课程、专业 |
课程 | 硕士・博士前期课程 |
专业 | Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Humanities Program, Psychology Program, Law and Politics Program, Economics Program, Management Sciences Program, International Peace and Co-existence Program, International Economic Development Program, Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program, Division of Educational Sciences, Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program, Educational Studies Program, Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Program, International Education Development Program, Joint International Master's Programme |
历年考题的公开 | 公开(仅限阅览) |
报考资格 | 详情请咨询 |
其他注意事项 | 其他(For details, please check the website and make inquiries.) |
检定费 | 30,000 日元 |
入学金 | 282,000 日元 |
教育费/年 | 535,800 日元 |
备注 | 「其他费用」因专业而异,请咨询 因条件不同至费用不一,详情请咨询 For details, please check the website. Admission Guide https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/international/admissions/admission_guide#6 Student Handbook https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/student_handbook Admissions https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/nyugaku Admission https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/admission Research / Staff https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/staff |
申请类别 | For details, please check the website of each program. |
课程 | 博士・博士后期课程 |
专业 | Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Humanities Program, Psychology Program, Law and Politics Program, Economics Program, Management Sciences Program, International Peace and Co-existence Program, International Economic Development Program, Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program, Division of Educational Sciences, Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program, Educational Studies Program, Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Program, International Education Development Program |
历年考题的公开 | 公开(仅限阅览) |
报考资格 | 详情请咨询 |
其他注意事项 | 其他(For details, please check the website and make inquiries.) |
检定费 | 30,000 日元 |
入学金 | 282,000 日元 |
教育费/年 | 535,800 日元 |
备注 | For details, please check the website. Admission Guide https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/international/admissions/admission_guide#6 Student Handbook https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/student_handbook Admissions https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/nyugaku Admission https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/admission Research / Staff https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/staff |
申请类别 | For details, please check the website. |
课程 | 大学研究生 |
报考资格 | 详情请咨询 |
其他注意事项 | 其他 |
备注 | For details, please check the website. https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/admission/research |
课程 | 专门职称学位课程 |
专业 | Division of Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders, Professional Development Program for Teachers and School Leaders Division of Law School, Division of Law School, Program for Law Practice Professionals |
报考资格 | 详情请咨询 |
其他注意事项 | 其他(For details, please check the website and make inquiries.) |
备注 | For details, please check the website. Admission Guide https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/international/admissions/admission_guide#6 Student Handbook https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/student_handbook Admissions https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/nyugaku Admission https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/admission Research / Staff https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/gshs/staff |
申请类别 | For details, please check the website. |
最后更新日期: 2023年05月31日