Modern Japanese Studies Program | 北海道大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

Modern Japanese Studies Program | 北海道大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

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재단법인 아시아학생문화협회와 주식회사 베네세코퍼레이션이 공동운영하고 있는JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT에서는 외국인 유학생을 모집하고 있는 약 1,300여 개의 대학・대학원・단기대학・전문학교의 정보를 게재하고 있습니다.
여기에서는 北海道大学 관한 자세한 정보를 게재하고 있어 Humanities and Human Sciences 학부및Education 학부및Law 학부및Economics and Business 학부및Science 학부및Medicine 학부및Dental Medicine 학부및Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy 학부및Engineering 학부및Agriculture 학부및Veterinary Medicine 학부및Fisheries Sciences 학부및Modern Japanese Studies Program 학부및Integrated Science Program 학부 등의 학부별 정보, 모집정원과 합격자수 등의 입시정보, 시설안내, 교통정보 등 외국인 유학생에게 유익하고 필요한 정보를 게재하고 있으므로 많이 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

대학 홋카이도  / 국립

北海道大学 | Hokkaido University

Modern Japanese Studies Program

  • 입시정보
우편번호 060-0817
문의처 주소 Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
문의처 부서 Admissions Office, Academic Affairs Section
전화번호 +81-(0)11-706-8045
팩스번호 +81-(0)11-706-7488
유학생 특별선발 유학생 특별선발 있음
재적 총유학생(유학비자)수 48명 (2024년도)
출원료 5,000 엔 (2025년도)
납입금 지연/반환금 신청 상담가능
비고 Recruitment personnel: 20

The followings are details of 2025 (Starting Intensive Japanese Course in October 2024, Enrollment to MJSP in April 2025).
For details of 2026 (Starting Intensive Japanese Course in October 2025, Enrollment to MJSP in April 2026), please confirm application guidelines to be issued in late August.

MJSP Enrollment fee: 282,000 yen, Tuition fee: 535,800 yen (per year)
Intensive Japanese Course Enrollment fee: 43,500 yen, Tuition fee: 181,200 yen (for 6 month)
The enrollment and tuition fees are subject to change. If they are revised before admission or during enrollment, the new amount will apply with immediate effect from the time of revision.
The university will waive the full amount of the enrollment fee and first year of tuition for April (2025) enrollees in the Modern Japanese Studies Program. The university will waive the enrollment fees for October (2024) enrollees in the Intensive Japanese Course.
원서 배포시기 8월하순
대학단독시험 과거문제 과거문제 없음
입학년월(봄학기) 2026년4월입학
출원구분 Entrance Examination for Privately Financed International Students (Modern Japanese Studies Program) First round
출원기간 개시일 2024년10월25일
출원기간 종료일 2024년12월2일 (필착)
시험일 2025년1월8일 - 2025년1월16일
합격 발표일 2025년2월13일
입학수속 마감일 2025년2월하순
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 가능
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 불필요
대학단독시험 과목 서류심사, 면접
영어시험 See Remarks
일본어 능력시험 불필요
비고 TOEFL-iBT score of 79 or higher, TOEFL-iBT Home Edition score of 79 or higher, or IELTS (Academic Module) score of 6.5 or higher. However, the test must have been taken within two years prior to the online application registration deadline.

The deadline for receiving the application documents and other materials from the university is Monday, December 2, 2024. The deadline for online application registration is Friday, November 15, 2024.
If you wish to be exempted from the preliminary course starting in October 2025, please make sure to submit a "Certificate of Results and Grades of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test" (N2 level or higher) or a transcript of a test that proves equivalent Japanese language ability. (The existence or non-existence of a history of Japanese language study is not a factor in determining whether or not to pass the entrance examination for the Modern Japanese Studies Program, but it is a factor in determining whether or not to be exempted from the preliminary course. The exemption from the preliminary course will be determined based on the results of the interview.)
입학년월(봄학기) 2026년4월입학
출원구분 Entrance Examination for Privately Financed International Students (Modern Japanese Studies Program) Second round
출원기간 개시일 2025년2월3일
출원기간 종료일 2025년3월7일 (필착)
시험일 2025년4월7일 - 2025년4월14일
합격 발표일 2025년5월중순
입학수속 마감일 2025년5월하순
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 가능
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 불필요
대학단독시험 과목 서류심사, 면접
영어시험 See Remarks
일본어 능력시험 불필요
비고 TOEFL-iBT score of 79 or higher, TOEFL-iBT Home Edition score of 79 or higher, or IELTS (Academic Module) score of 6.5 or higher. However, the test must have been taken within two years prior to the online application registration deadline.

The last day of the application period, Friday, March 7, 2025, is the deadline for receipt of the application documents. The deadline for online application registration is Friday, February 21, 2025.
If you wish to be exempted from the preliminary course that will start in October 2025, please make sure to submit a "Certificate of Results and Grades of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test" (N2 level or higher) or a transcript of an examination that proves equivalent Japanese language ability. (The existence or non-existence of a history of Japanese language study is not a factor in determining whether or not to pass the entrance examination for the Modern Japanese Studies Program, but it is a factor in determining whether or not to be exempted from the preliminary course. The exemption from the preliminary course will be determined based on the results of the interview.)

최종변경일: 2024년06월14일

최근 본 학교 일람

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