Toyama International Exchange Scholarship (Toyama International Center Foundation) (일본어학교, 고등 전문학교, 전문대학, 학부, 석사, 박사) | 장학금 안내 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS

Toyama International Exchange Scholarship (Toyama International Center Founda...

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Toyama International Exchange Scholarship (Toyama International Center Foundation)

최종변경일: 2023년08월09일

실시단체 Toyama International Center Foundation
지급대상년도 2023-2024
응모방법 학교를 통해서 신청
응모시 거주지 일본
과정 일본어학교, 고등 전문학교, 전문대학, 학부, 석사, 박사
재류자격 College Student
학교 소재지 도야마현
학교지역지정 Toyama pref.
이중지급제한 On the 1st year, you can get other scholarships by 10,000 yen for a month. On the 2nd year and after, you cannot get another scholarship.
기타, 신청에 관하여 Students living in Toyama prefecture who have completed the procedure of notification such as place of residence, enrollment of Japanese educational institutions, those who are planning to go to college or graduate school
급부금액(엔) 10,000 yen for a month (50,000 yen for a month after 2nd year from registration, 3,000 yen for a month to a Japanese Language School Student)
급부기간(년) 1 year (April to March)
채용(예정)인원수 未定 (not decided)
전년도 채용인원수 149/149
모집기간 April to the end of May
모집마감 5월

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