International Liberal Arts | Miyazaki International University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

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Universitas Miyazaki  / Sekolah swasta

宮崎国際大学 | Miyazaki International University

  • International Liberal Arts

International Liberal Arts

  • Tab informasi ujian masuk
Kode Pos 889-1605
Kontak Alamat 1405 Kano, Kiyotake-cho, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki
Kontak Departmen Admission and PR Office
No.Telepon 0120-85-5931
No. Fax 0985-84-3396
Ujian masuk Mahasiswa Asing Ada seleksi khusus untuk mahasiswa asing
Kapasitas penerimaan 25 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Jumlah peserta ujian 18 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
jumlah peserta lolos ujian 14 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Total Jumlah mahasiswa Asing (visa belajar) 53 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Jumlah mahasiswa yang dibiayai swasta 53 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Biaya pendaftaran 10,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Biaya masuk 100,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Biaya kuliah per tahun 510,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Biaya lainnya 162,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Permohonan penundaan /pengembalian uang yang sudah dilunas Menerima konsultasi
Keterangan Other fees than above:
1. Supporter fee: 50,000 yen (Annually, divided into two parts, first and second)
2. You are required to pay 3,300 yen for accident insurance for 4 years. (Pay in a lump at the time of admission).

Transfer students, international students will be separately charged after enrollment.
Jurusan Comparative Culture
Distribusi formulir pendaftaran kapan saja
Contoh soal ujian masuk tahun sebelumnya Diumumkan di internet
Masuk sekolah (musim semi) 2025 TAHUN April MASUK SEKOLAH
Klasifikasi pendaftaran Entrance Examination for International Students 1st Term
Mulai tanggal pendaftaran September 9, 2024
Batas akhir pendaftaran September 27, 2024 (Tertanda cap pengiriman)
Waktu ujian Oktober 12, 2024
Pengumuman kelulusan Oktober 22, 2024
Batas waktu prosedur penerimaan (bagi siwa yang lolos ujian) Oktober 31, 2024(Batas waktu gelombang pertama) November 8, 2024(Batas waktu gelombang kedua)
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - pendaftaran di luar Jepang Tersedia
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - kunjungan ke Jepang untuk ujian Tidak perlu
Ujian yang diselenggarakan universitas Proses Screening formulir, Interview, If you reside in outside of Japan and cannot come to Japan in order to take the examination, online interview with Skype or others is conducted.
Ujian bahasa Inggris Interview is conducted in Japanese and English.
Ujian Bahasa Jepang (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Tidak perlu
Keterangan Those who are eligible for admission to the university are those whose status of residence is "College Student" (including those who are in the process of changing their status of residence to "College Student"), and who do not fall under either the category of government-sponsored international students or foreign students dispatched by foreign governments. In addition, they must meet one of the following conditions as stipulated in Article 90 of the School Education Law and Article 150 of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Education Law.
(1) Those who have graduated from a high school or a secondary education school.
(2) Those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years of formal education by March 31, 2025 (or by the end of September for fall admission) (including those who have completed the equivalent of formal education through a course other than a formal course).
(3) Those who have completed a school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2024, those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years or more of school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2025 (or by the end of September for fall admission), or those who are designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as being equivalent to the above.
(4) Those who have completed a course at an educational institution recognized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as having a course equivalent to that of a high school course.
(5) Persons designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(6) Those who have passed the high school equivalency examination in accordance with the Regulations on High School Graduation Certificate Examinations (2005, MEXT Ordinance No. 1) (including those who passed the university entrance qualification examination in accordance with the University Entrance Qualification Examination Regulations (1951, Education Ministry Ordinance No. 13) before its abolishment in accordance with Article 2 of the supplementary provisions of the same regulations).
(7) Others who have reached 18 years of age and are recognized by the University as having academic ability equivalent or superior to that of a high school graduate.
(8) Those who have completed a course of preparatory education for entering a Japanese university designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for countries that do not require 12 years to complete secondary education.
Masuk sekolah (musim semi) 2025 TAHUN April MASUK SEKOLAH
Klasifikasi pendaftaran Entrance Examination for International Students 2nd term
Mulai tanggal pendaftaran November 5, 2024
Batas akhir pendaftaran November 26, 2024 (Tertanda cap pengiriman)
Waktu ujian Desember 14, 2024
Pengumuman kelulusan Desember 20, 2024
Batas waktu prosedur penerimaan (bagi siwa yang lolos ujian) Januari 7, 2025(Batas waktu gelombang pertama) Januari 17, 2025(Batas waktu gelombang kedua)
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - pendaftaran di luar Jepang Tersedia
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - kunjungan ke Jepang untuk ujian Tidak perlu
Ujian yang diselenggarakan universitas Proses Screening formulir, Interview, If you reside in outside of Japan and cannot come to Japan in order to take the examination, online interview with Skype or others is conducted.
Ujian bahasa Inggris Interview is conducted in Japanese and English.
Ujian Bahasa Jepang (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Tidak perlu
Keterangan Those who are eligible for admission to the university are those whose status of residence is "College Student" (including those who are in the process of changing their status of residence to "College Student"), and who do not fall under either the category of government-sponsored international students or foreign students dispatched by foreign governments. In addition, they must meet one of the following conditions as stipulated in Article 90 of the School Education Law and Article 150 of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Education Law.
(1) Those who have graduated from a high school or a secondary education school.
(2) Those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years of formal education by March 31, 2025 (or by the end of September for fall admission) (including those who have completed the equivalent of formal education through a course other than a formal course).
(3) Those who have completed a school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2024, those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years or more of school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2025 (or by the end of September for fall admission), or those who are designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as being equivalent to the above.
(4) Those who have completed a course at an educational institution recognized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as having a course equivalent to that of a high school course.
(5) Persons designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(6) Those who have passed the high school equivalency examination in accordance with the Regulations on High School Graduation Certificate Examinations (2005, MEXT Ordinance No. 1) (including those who passed the university entrance qualification examination in accordance with the University Entrance Qualification Examination Regulations (1951, Education Ministry Ordinance No. 13) before its abolishment in accordance with Article 2 of the supplementary provisions of the same regulations).
(7) Others who have reached 18 years of age and are recognized by the University as having academic ability equivalent or superior to that of a high school graduate.
(8) Those who have completed a course of preparatory education for entering a Japanese university designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for countries that do not require 12 years to complete secondary education.
Masuk sekolah (musim semi) 2025 TAHUN April MASUK SEKOLAH
Klasifikasi pendaftaran Entrance Examination for International Students 3rd term
Mulai tanggal pendaftaran Januari 6, 2025
Batas akhir pendaftaran Januari 17, 2025 (Tertanda cap pengiriman)
Waktu ujian Januari 24, 2025
Pengumuman kelulusan Januari 31, 2025
Batas waktu prosedur penerimaan (bagi siwa yang lolos ujian) Februari 7, 2025(Batas waktu gelombang pertama) Februari 14, 2025(Batas waktu gelombang kedua)
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - pendaftaran di luar Jepang Tersedia
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - kunjungan ke Jepang untuk ujian Tidak perlu
Ujian yang diselenggarakan universitas Proses Screening formulir, Interview, If you reside in outside of Japan and cannot come to Japan in order to take the examination, online interview with Skype or others is conducted.
Ujian bahasa Inggris Interview is conducted in Japanese and English.
Ujian Bahasa Jepang (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Tidak perlu
Keterangan Those who are eligible for admission to the university are those whose status of residence is "College Student" (including those who are in the process of changing their status of residence to "College Student"), and who do not fall under either the category of government-sponsored international students or foreign students dispatched by foreign governments. In addition, they must meet one of the following conditions as stipulated in Article 90 of the School Education Law and Article 150 of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Education Law.
(1) Those who have graduated from a high school or a secondary education school.
(2) Those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years of formal education by March 31, 2025 (or by the end of September for fall admission) (including those who have completed the equivalent of formal education through a course other than a formal course).
(3) Those who have completed a school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2024, those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years or more of school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2025 (or by the end of September for fall admission), or those who are designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as being equivalent to the above.
(4) Those who have completed a course at an educational institution recognized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as having a course equivalent to that of a high school course.
(5) Persons designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(6) Those who have passed the high school equivalency examination in accordance with the Regulations on High School Graduation Certificate Examinations (2005, MEXT Ordinance No. 1) (including those who passed the university entrance qualification examination in accordance with the University Entrance Qualification Examination Regulations (1951, Education Ministry Ordinance No. 13) before its abolishment in accordance with Article 2 of the supplementary provisions of the same regulations).
(7) Others who have reached 18 years of age and are recognized by the University as having academic ability equivalent or superior to that of a high school graduate.
(8) Those who have completed a course of preparatory education for entering a Japanese university designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for countries that do not require 12 years to complete secondary education.

For the 4th session entrance examination, the application period is from February 21 to March 7, 2025, the examination date is March 15, 2025, the acceptance announcement date is March 21, 2025, and the deadline for admission procedures is March 27, 2025. In addition to the 1st through 3rd selections, applicants must have a valid college student visa at the time of admission to the university to be eligible to take the examination. Selection procedures are the same as those for the 1st through 3rd sessions.
Masuk sekolah (musim gugur) 2024 TAHUN Oktober MASUK SEKOLAH
Klasifikasi pendaftaran Entrance Examination for International Students, Autumn admission
Mulai tanggal pendaftaran Juni 5, 2024
Batas akhir pendaftaran Juni 21, 2024 (Tertanda cap pengiriman)
Waktu ujian Juli 6, 2024
Pengumuman kelulusan Juli 12, 2024
Batas waktu prosedur penerimaan (bagi siwa yang lolos ujian) Juli 19, 2024(Batas waktu gelombang pertama) Juli 31, 2024(Batas waktu gelombang kedua)
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - pendaftaran di luar Jepang Tersedia
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - kunjungan ke Jepang untuk ujian Tidak perlu
Ujian yang diselenggarakan universitas Proses Screening formulir, Interview, If you reside in outside of Japan and cannot come to Japan in order to take the examination, online interview with Skype or others is conducted.
Ujian bahasa Inggris Interview is conducted in Japanese and English.
Ujian Bahasa Jepang (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Tidak perlu
Keterangan Those who are eligible for admission to the university are those whose status of residence is "College Student" (including those who are in the process of changing their status of residence to "College Student"), and who do not fall under either the category of government-sponsored international students or foreign students dispatched by foreign governments. In addition, they must meet one of the following conditions as stipulated in Article 90 of the School Education Law and Article 150 of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Education Law.
(1) Those who have graduated from a high school or a secondary education school.
(2) Those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years of formal education by March 31, 2025 (or by the end of September for fall admission) (including those who have completed the equivalent of formal education through a course other than a formal course).
(3) Those who have completed a school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2024, those who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years or more of school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2025 (or by the end of September for fall admission), or those who are designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as being equivalent to the above.
(4) Those who have completed a course at an educational institution recognized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as having a course equivalent to that of a high school course.
(5) Persons designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(6) Those who have passed the high school equivalency examination in accordance with the Regulations on High School Graduation Certificate Examinations (2005, MEXT Ordinance No. 1) (including those who passed the university entrance qualification examination in accordance with the University Entrance Qualification Examination Regulations (1951, Education Ministry Ordinance No. 13) before its abolishment in accordance with Article 2 of the supplementary provisions of the same regulations).
(7) Others who have reached 18 years of age and are recognized by the University as having academic ability equivalent or superior to that of a high school graduate.
(8) Those who have completed a course of preparatory education for entering a Japanese university designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for countries that do not require 12 years to complete secondary education.

Terlakhir diUpdate: Juni 13, 2024

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