設施介紹指南 | Faculty of International Studies | 明治学院大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS

設施介紹指南 | Faculty of International Studies | 明治学院大学 | 日本的留學信...


> > > Faculty of International Studies

準備前往明治学院大学留學的各位: 由財團法人亞洲學生文化協會及倍楽生(倍樂生)股份有限公司共同營運的JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT是提供外國留學生日本留學資訊的網站。明治学院大学Faculty of Letters學部、Faculty of Economics學部、Faculty of Sociology and Social Work學部、Faculty of Law學部、Faculty of International Studies學部、Faculty of Psychology學部、Faculty of Mathematical Informatics學部等等,各科系的詳細資訊都分別刊載在此網站。有需要明治学院大学留學資訊的各位同學,請多多利用此網站查詢。另外,此網站上也有刊載約招收留學生的1300所大學、大學院、短大、專門學校等資訊。

大學 東京都, 神奈川縣  / 私立

明治学院大学 | Meiji Gakuin University

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Faculty of International Studies

■Meiji Gakuin University carries out a foreign student examination for foreigners.
For the details, please visit the following Web site.
■Only the department of Global and Transcultural Studies,it offers especially application methods.
For the details, please visit the following Web site.

  • 入學考試資料
  • 學系信息
  • 學生生活支助
  • 設施介紹指南
  • 到訪指南


Yokohama Campus

Meiji Gakuin’s Yokohama Campus is the home of the Faculty of International studies. Conveniently accessible from Tokyo, its open grounds and many green spaces offer students a unique educational environment.
Moreover, Yokohama Station is only 10 minutes away from the nearby Totsuka Station, and the wonders of Kamakura are a mere 12 minute train ride. Situated between the vigor of Yokohama’s international ambiance, and the atmosphere of more traditional Kamakura, students are able to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Yokohama Campus

Yokohama Campus

