Hiroshima University 41人の新入生が広島大学総合科学部 国際共創学科(... | 新聞 | 留學信息網站JPSS | 2022/04/26 update

Hiroshima University 41人の新入生が広島大学総合科学部 国際共創学科(... | 新...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 2022/04/26


2022/04/26 Hiroshima University 學校新聞

41 new students joined the Department of Integrated Global Studies (IGS)!

Although the effects of Covid-19 continue, this year's new students started classes face-to-face after infection control measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Several international students have not yet arrived in Japan due to travel restrictions, but are participating in classes online from their home countries.
We hope they will have an excellent start to fulfilling student life, and we are looking forward to seeing all the new students on campus in person.

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