Ryukoku University 新年おめでとうございます! 本学では本日から授... | 新聞 | 留學信息網站JPSS | 2021/01/08 update

Ryukoku University 新年おめでとうございます! 本学では本日から授... | 新聞 |...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 2021/01/08


2021/01/08 Ryukoku University 學校新聞

Happy New Year!

Classes resumed today at Ryukoku University.
How was your New Year’s break?
At Ryukoku International House, the international student dormitory, we held a Secret Santa event for Christmas.

Although we cannot hold parties and other close contact events due to social distancing, the Japanese tutors in charge of the dormitory planned the Secret Santa event so that our international students could at least have a little fun.

While difficult conditions continue, we hope that through such events our students are able to create wonderful memories of their life as international students at Ryukoku University.

We hope that this year will be a wonderful year for you all!

» Ryukoku University 的信息


