International University of Health and Welfare 醫學院 【第2回医学部 留学生特別選抜】 11/2(月)より... | 新聞 | 留學信息網站JPSS | 2020/11/02 update

International University of Health and Welfare 醫學院 【第2回医学部 留学生...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 2020/11/02


2020/11/02 International University of Health and Welfare 醫學院 學校新聞

On 2nd November, starting to accept applications for "The Special Entrance Examination"

On Monday, 2nd November 2020, we start to accept the applications to "The Second Round of the Special Entrance Examination for International Students" and "The Second Round of the Special Entrance Examination for Returnee Students & Students of International School".

The application deadline is Monday, 16th November 2020

We select, as Medical Scholarship students, those who demonstrate excellent academic in the "Special Entrance Examination". IUHW Medical Scholarship students will be provided with up to 14 million JPY over the course of maximum 6 years, exempted from the admission fee of 1.5 million JPY, and given priority for the choice to reside in the dormitory.

» International University of Health and Welfare 醫學院的信息

