Takayama Scholarship (Takayama International Education Foundation) (日语学校, 学部(1st year), 硕士, 博士) | 奖学金咨询 | JPSS日本留学网 汇集日本大学等日本学校留学信息

Takayama Scholarship (Takayama International Education Foundation) (日语学校,...


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Takayama Scholarship (Takayama International Education Foundation)

最后更新日期: 2023年09月22日

实施团体 Takayama International Education Foundation (TIEF)
支付对象的年度 2023-2024
申请方法 通过学校申请
申請时的居住地 日本
课程 日语学校, 学部(1st year), 硕士, 博士
国籍 Asia
在留资格 College Student
指定学校 Designated schools (Refer to the website)
年龄限制 Undergraduates: less than 30, Master's Program: less than 35, Doctoral Program: less than 40
并给限制 You can get other scholarships (Japanese language school students and Undergraduates: up to 50,000 yen for a month. Graduates: up to 70,000 yen for a month)
其它关于申请的事项 Japanese language Institute students within 1 year and 1 month since arrival in Japan
支付金额(日元) Japanese school students: 130,000 yen for a month. Undergraduates: 170,000 yen for a month. Graduates: 190,000 yen for a month.
支付期间(年) 1 year for Japanese school students, 2 years for others
采用(预订)人数 159
上一年度的采用人数 89/101
招募期间 Early December to Early February for Japanese school students, Early March to Early May for others
招募截止日 2月, 5月

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