학부정보 | 도시환경학부 | 東京都立大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

학부정보 | 도시환경학부 | 東京都立大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

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東京都立大学 유학을 생각하고 계시는 분들께 JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT는 재단법인 아시아학생문화협회와 주식회사 베네세코퍼레이션이 공동운영하고 있는 외국인 유학생을 위한 일본유학정보 사이트입니다. 東京都立大学 인문사회학부 학부및도시환경학부 학부및시스템디자인학부 학부및법학부 학부및경제경영학부 학부및이학부 학부및건강복지학부 학부 등 학부 별 상세 정보도 게재하고 있기 때문에, 東京都立大学 관한 유학정보를 찾고 계시는 분들은 꼭 이용해 보시기 바랍니다. 이 외에도 외국인 유학생을 모집을 하고 있는 1,300여 개의 대학・대학원・단기대학・전문학교의 정보도 게재하고ㅇ 있습니다.

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東京都立大学 | Tokyo Metropolitan University

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  • 학부정보
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  • 찾아 오시는 길


Fostering human resources who can realize vibrant cities where all can live happily

  Based on observation and analyses, the Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences clarifies the interactions among: (1) the natural environment, (2) humans, (3) materials, (4) energy, (5) information, and (6) man-made structures such a s buildings and automobiles. The Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences was established to add a sustainability and environmental perspective to the study of engineering (including civil engineering, architecture, and construction), geography (focusing in particular on surveys of the natural environment), applied chemistry (from micro-level substances to energy and the wider environment), tourism science (emphasizing a multi-faceted approach to tourism that incorporates environmental, cultural and IT-based perspectives) and urban policy science (which seeks to develop solutions to urban problems from a contextual perspective).
  In addition to the specialized knowledge pertaining to each of these areas, the Faculty also endeavors to cultivate the knowhow and skills needed to make a positive contribution toward the development of the techniques and methodologies that can help to solve environmental problems and foster sustainable development.

Department of Geography
Explaining the interrelationships of human beings, earth, and environment through geographical information systems and field studies

  Based on the various fields of geography, students in this department gain integrated knowledge of the mutual interactions between the natural environment and human activity, which are the key constituent elements of an urban area. By studying the basic science subjects and the specialized geographical subjects, including field work and practical training in GIS, students in this department are able to solve various issues confronting humankind.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering studies to foster citizens who can live in harmony with nature and the environment and create safe and rich social infrastructure

  The goal of the Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering is to train talented people equipped with comprehensive views and knowledge to plan and maintain infrastructures in consideration of the sustainability of all the ecosystems on Earth. The division offers three fields: infrastructure, environmental systems, and safety and disaster prevention.

Department of Architecture
Taking architectural and urban approaches for the realization and enhancement of safe and pleasant urban environments

  The Department of Architecture offers academic and professional education for students pursuing careers in building and the urban environment. It covers such specialized fields as architectural history and design, architectural design and planning, city planning, environmental engineering, building materials, building construction, structural engineering, and comprehensive urban issues.

Department of Applied Chemistry for Environment
Applying interactive, problem-solving methods to study applied chemistry in close harmony with the environment

  The Department of Applied Chemistry offers a unique educational program based on a wide range of applied chemistry, from basic to advanced areas. The goal of the Department is to train highly qualified engineers and researchers as leaders in such fields as environmental, energy-, materials- and biological chemistry.

Department of Tourism Science
Fostering human resources capable of conveying the attractions and value of regions through discovery, conservation and development

  The Department of Tourism Science aims to provide tourism education using scientific and engineering approaches, and to develop professionals, such as engineers, consultants, or rangers, who are responsible for understanding phenomena and planning and implementing tourism promotion, and practical generalists, who perform comprehensive management of tourism.

Department of Urban Science and Policy
A new scientific discipline focusing on city-related policy

  It is vitally important that creative solutions be found to the complex problems that are affecting the world’s cities (including Tokyo), such as the need to maintain and improve the urban environment, issues relating to the aging of the population, healthcare and welfare provision, industrial development, disaster prevention and recovery, and ensuring that diverse groups of people are able to live in harmony with one another. To this end, there is a real need for planning capabilities that reflect both a global perspective and a regional perspective, that are able to outline a clear picture of what urban society and urban spaces should look like, and that are able to formulate suitable policies for implementing these plans in collaboration with ordinary citizens. The Department of Urban Science and Policy has a curriculum tailored to address these key issues relating to urban development, and is designed to help students cultivate the planning capabilities needed to create the new-generation cities of the future.

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