Arts and Design | 神戸芸術工科大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

Arts and Design | 神戸芸術工科大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

스카우트 기능으로 합격하면 장학금 기회

> > > Arts and Design

재단법인 아시아학생문화협회와 주식회사 베네세코퍼레이션이 공동운영하고 있는JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT에서는 외국인 유학생을 모집하고 있는 약 1,300여 개의 대학・대학원・단기대학・전문학교의 정보를 게재하고 있습니다.
여기에서는 神戸芸術工科大学 관한 자세한 정보를 게재하고 있어 Arts and Design 학부 등의 학부별 정보, 모집정원과 합격자수 등의 입시정보, 시설안내, 교통정보 등 외국인 유학생에게 유익하고 필요한 정보를 게재하고 있으므로 많이 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

대학 효고현  / 사립

神戸芸術工科大学 | Kobe Design University

  • Arts and Design

Arts and Design

  • 입시정보
우편번호 651-2196
문의처 주소 8-1-1 Gakuennishimachi, Nishi-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
문의처 부서 Admissions and PR Section
전화번호 078-794-5039
팩스번호 078-794-5027
유학생 특별선발 유학생 특별선발 있음
모집정원 약간명 (2025년도)
수험자수 122명 (2024년도)
합격자수 64명 (2024년도)
재적 총유학생(유학비자)수 257명 (2024년도)
재적 사비외국인유학생수 257명 (2024년도)
출원료 35,000 엔 (2025년도)
입학금 200,000 엔 (2025년도)
수업료/년 1,050,000 엔 (2025년도)
총비용 550,000 엔 (2025년도)
학과 Architecture Environmental Design, Product Design and Crafts, Visual Design, Media Arts
원서 배포시기 7월하순
대학단독시험 과거문제 인터넷으로 공개하고 있음
입학년월(봄학기) 2025년4월입학
출원구분 Entrance Examination for International Students 1st
출원기간 개시일 2024년10월4일
출원기간 종료일 2024년10월18일 (당일 소인 유효)
시험일 2024년11월23일 - 2024년11월24일
합격 발표일 2024년12월1일
입학수속 마감일 2024년12월13일(제1회 마감) 2025년1월6일(제2회 마감)
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 가능
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 필요
대학단독시험 과목 면접, Statement of purpose, Bringing works
일본유학시험-지정과목 There is criteria for application. Please refer to Remarks.
영어시험 치르지 않는다
비고 Application Requirements
1. Applicants must have a foreign nationality, have completed or be expected to complete 12 years of school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2025, or be designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as equivalent.

2. have a score of N2 or higher on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) administered by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation, or have a total score of 220 or higher on the Reading Comprehension/Listening and Listening-Reading Comprehension sections of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) administered by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).

Notes on documents to be submitted
Please submit original certificates unless otherwise specified.
If the certificate is written in a language other than Japanese or English, it must be translated into Japanese or English, and both the original and the translation must be submitted after certification that there is no discrepancy in content.
For details, please refer to the application guideline.

Internet Application Form

Please fill out the prescribed form.

Certificate of graduation (completion) or certificate of expected graduation (completion) from the high school from which you graduated.
Diploma of high school is not required. Please submit a Certificate of Graduation or Certificate of Expected Graduation.

Transcript from the high school attended
Please submit a transcript of all the years you attended high school prepared by the principal of the high school from which you graduated.

Certificate of Japanese language proficiency (either or both of the following)
Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): Either a certificate of passing result, a certificate of Japanese language proficiency, or a certificate of the results and grades (photocopies acceptable).
EJU: Score report, score certificate, or score confirmation certificate (photocopies acceptable)

When submitting a score confirmation certificate (photocopies acceptable), the EJU to which it applies will be specified.
Please check the application guideline for details.

Documents proving the applicant's identity
All applicants: Copy of passport (copy of the page with your name and photo)
Applicants residing in Japan: a photocopy of both sides of your resident card or alien registration card.

Notes on the application period
Application period (Web) and payment of application fee: October 4, 2024 0:00 - October 7, 2024 23:59
Deadline for mailing application documents: October 18, 2024 (after payment of examination fee). Date of postmark is valid.

During the application period, applications submitted from outside Japan must arrive by the application deadline. Please note that applications must not be postmarked on the same day.
입학년월(봄학기) 2025년4월입학
출원구분 Entrance Examination for International Students 2nd
출원기간 개시일 2025년1월6일
출원기간 종료일 2025년1월17일 (당일 소인 유효)
시험일 2025년3월1일
합격 발표일 2025년3월7일
입학수속 마감일 2025년3월14일
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 불가능
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 필요
대학단독시험 과목 면접, Statement of purpose, Bringing works
일본유학시험-지정과목 There is criteria for application. Please refer to Remarks.
영어시험 치르지 않는다
비고 Application Requirements
1. Applicants must have a foreign nationality, have completed or be expected to complete 12 years of school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2025, or be designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as equivalent.

2. have a score of N2 or higher on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) administered by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation, or have a total score of 220 or higher on the Reading Comprehension/Listening and Listening-Reading Comprehension sections of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) administered by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).

You must live in Japan at the application.

Notes on documents to be submitted
Please submit original certificates unless otherwise specified.
If the certificate is written in a language other than Japanese or English, it must be translated into Japanese or English, and both the original and the translation must be submitted after certification that there is no discrepancy in content.
For details, please refer to the application guideline.

Internet Application Form

Please fill out the prescribed form.

Certificate of graduation (completion) or certificate of expected graduation (completion) from the high school from which you graduated.
Diploma of high school is not required. Please submit a Certificate of Graduation or Certificate of Expected Graduation.

Transcript from the high school attended
Please submit a transcript of all the years you attended high school prepared by the principal of the high school from which you graduated.

Certificate of Japanese language proficiency (either or both of the following)
Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): Either a certificate of passing result, a certificate of Japanese language proficiency, or a certificate of the results and grades (photocopies acceptable).
EJU: Score report, score certificate, or score confirmation certificate (photocopies acceptable)

When submitting a score confirmation certificate (photocopies acceptable), the EJU to which it applies will be specified.
Please check the application guideline for details.

Documents proving the applicant's identity
All applicants: Copy of passport (copy of the page with your name and photo)
Applicants residing in Japan: a photocopy of both sides of your resident card or alien registration card.

Notes on the application period
Application period (Web) and payment of application fee: January 6, 2025 0:00 - January 16, 2025 23:59
Deadline for mailing application documents: January 17, 2025 (after payment of examination fee). Date of postmark is valid.
Applicants must live in Japan.

최종변경일: 2024년07월08일

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