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시설안내 | Global Studies | 武蔵野大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

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武蔵野大学 유학을 생각하고 계시는 분들께 JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT는 재단법인 아시아학생문화협회와 주식회사 베네세코퍼레이션이 공동운영하고 있는 외국인 유학생을 위한 일본유학정보 사이트입니다. 武蔵野大学 기업가 정신 학부및Well-being 학부및Global Studies 학부및Engineering 학부및Data Science 학부및문헌 학부및경제 학부및Business Administration 학부및법률 학부및Human Sciences 학부 등 학부 별 상세 정보도 게재하고 있기 때문에, 武蔵野大学 관한 유학정보를 찾고 계시는 분들은 꼭 이용해 보시기 바랍니다. 이 외에도 외국인 유학생을 모집을 하고 있는 1,300여 개의 대학・대학원・단기대학・전문학교의 정보도 게재하고ㅇ 있습니다.

대학 도쿄도  / 사립

武蔵野大学 | Musashino University

대학안내 다운로드
현재 선택하신 언어로는 정보를 제공하고 있지 않습니다. 다른 언어로 열람해 주시기 바랍니다.
일본어로 정보를 열람  영어로 정보를 열람  중문(간체자)으로 정보를 열람  베트남어로 정보를 열람  인도네시아어로 정보를 열람  태국어로 정보를 열람 

Global Studies

원서 다운로드
  • 입시정보
  • 학부정보
  • 학생생활지원
  • 시설안내
  • 찾아 오시는 길


Ariake Campus

The Ariake Campus, which opened in Tokyo’s Odaiba-Ariake district in April, 2012, is located in a global information hub, close to the gateway to the sky, Haneda airport, as well as government agencies in Kasumigaseki and the lively business district of Marunouchi with the head offices of numerous large corporations. All of its buildings are equipped with the latest in earthquake countermeasures and environmentally friendly facilities.

Musashino Campus

The University campus has absorbed the long line of literary pros and local history of the Musashino district, making it a calm and relaxing environment in which to study. Surrounded in nature, we offer students great facilities, including a well-equipped library and practical workrooms. The campus is situated very conveniently from the closest station, Mitake and Kichijoji Temple, places that have been ranked very highly on the ‘best places to live in Japan’ rankings.

Free Campus Wifi

All current Musashino University students can access the free campus wifi MU-NET, making it possible to smoothly get online on your personal computer, tablet or smartphone.

The Ariake and Odaiba Areas
Due to our fortunate location, Musashino University is very pro-active in conducting research with government, industries and academic organizations. Our earthquake resilient buildings and cutting-edge technology equip students with the necessary skills to lead the next generation.

Here at the tranquil Musashino campus you can enjoy the changing of the four seasons. With its unique education and research buildings, practical workrooms and library, the campus truly does have everything to support your studies.

Whether it be in the classroom or the cafeteria, all students can use their computers or phones to get online via the free campus wifi.

최근 본 학교 일람

최근 본 학교 일람

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