Seinan Gakuin University Faculty of Intercultural Studies 西南学院大学 学生食堂のユニークな2つのポイント... | 뉴스 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS | 2022/11/18 update

Seinan Gakuin University Faculty of Intercultural Studies 西南学院大学 学生食...

스카우트 기능으로 합격하면 장학금 기회

일본 유학 정보 사이트JPSS > 뉴스/유학에 유익한 정보 > 2022/11/18


2022/11/18 Seinan Gakuin University Faculty of Intercultural Studies 학교 뉴스

Introducing two unique qualities of the Seinan Gakuin University Student Cafeteria!

1) Seinan Cross Plaza Cafeteria features a modern brick exterior and offers well-balanced meals throughout the day.

2) “Seikyo” cafeteria offers special deal meal cards, where you can use up to 1070yen on meals everyday, for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

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