Rehabilitation | Kansai Medical University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Rehabilitation | Kansai Medical University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, &q...

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JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT yang dikelola bersama oleh Lembaga Yayasan The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.
Tersedia informasi rinci mengenai Kansai Medical University, mencakup informasi per fakultas seperti Fakultas MedicalatauFakultas NursingatauFakultas Rehabilitation, serta berbagai informasi yang berguna bagi mahasiswa(i) mancanegara seperti kuota untuk jumlah pendaftar dan jumlah kelulusan ujian masuk mahasiswa(i) mancanegara, informasi mengenai ujian masuk, prasarana kampus, akses jalan, dan lainnya. Silakan memanfaatkannya.

Universitas Osaka  / Sekolah swasta

関西医科大学 | Kansai Medical University


  • Tab informasi ujian masuk
Kode Pos 573-1010
Kontak Alamat 2-5-1 Shinmachi, Hirakata-shi, Osaka
Kontak Departmen Admission Center
No.Telepon 072-804-0101
No. Fax 072-804-2548
Ujian masuk Mahasiswa Asing Ujian sama dengan orang Jepang dan standard penilaiannya juga sama
Keterangan The application fee for the Comprehensive Selection Examination, the School Recommendation Type Selection Examination, and the General Selection Examination is 35,000 yen. The application fee for the entrance examination using the Common Test for University Admissions is 15,000 yen. Examination fee is reduced if you take the Comprehensive Selection Examination on both of 2 days, or take Type 2 and Type 3 of the General Selection Examination and the entrance examination using the Common Test for University Admissions. The fee for the first year is 1,760,000 yen (including the admission fee of 300,000 yen,and excluding association fees).
Jurusan Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy
Distribusi formulir pendaftaran Juli AKHIR
Contoh soal ujian masuk tahun sebelumnya Diumumkan di internet
Masuk sekolah (musim semi) 2024 TAHUN April MASUK SEKOLAH
Klasifikasi pendaftaran "Comprehensive Selection Examination", "School Recommendation Type Selection Examination", "Admission using Common Entrance Examination", "General Selection Examination"
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - pendaftaran di luar Jepang Tersedia
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - kunjungan ke Jepang untuk ujian Perlu
Ujian Bahasa Jepang (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Tidak perlu
Keterangan The faculty has the following examination systems: the Comprehensive Selection Examination, the School Recommendation Selection Examination, the Examination using Common Test for University Admission, and the General Selection Examination. There is no special treatment for international students.
For more details, please refer to application guidelines.
Only the past questions of "General Selection Examination" are disclosed.

Terlakhir diUpdate: Juni 13, 2023

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