Dukungan untuk kehidupan mahasiswa | College of Policy Studies | Tsuda University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Dukungan untuk kehidupan mahasiswa | College of Policy Studies | Tsuda Univer...

Jika Anda lulus fungsi perekrutan Anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

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Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Tsuda University. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas College of Liberal ArtsatauFakultas College of Policy Studies, Tsuda University. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Tsuda University, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

Universitas Tokyo  / Sekolah swasta

津田塾大学 | Tsuda University

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College of Policy Studies

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  • Dukungan untuk kehidupan mahasiswa
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Dukungan untuk kehidupan mahasiswa

Off-Campus Learning Center

Students often wonder how they can best spend their 4 years of study at university. Off-campus learning activities are one way for our students to design their own learning experiences and find their own rhythm for their lives as students. By combining their second term, in which no mandatory classes are required, with the summer vacation, a 2-month "gap term" is created. Students can use this period to take part in overseas summer programs or internships as well as conduct research with professors or carry out projects of their own design. The goal of off-campus learning is for students to cultivate empathy, a proactive mindset, and communication skills, as well as the ability to analyze social issues.

Center for International Exchange

The Center for International Exchange promotes and supports Tsuda University's international exchange programs with overseas institutions. The Center provides information for study abroad opportunities with partner institutions and international exchange programs around the world. Students can receive support for implementing a high quality plan that suits their individual needs. The center also provides support for international students studying at Tsuda University as well as opportunities for interaction and exchange among international students and Japanese students.

Writing Center

The Writing Center not only supports students' writing activities, but also helps them to cultivate more refined thinking, expression, and communication skills that they will need to become women in leadership positions in society. Students work one-by-one with instructors who help them improve both their Japanese and English writing skills. In addition to assigned essays and class reports, students can ask for help with written material of any kind, including application essays for study abroad courses, club activity plans, and documents needed in applying for internships or job-hunting.

Personal consultations at the Off-Campus Learning Center (Kodaira Campus)

Personal consultations at the Center for International Exchange (Kodaira Campus)

Cultivating writing skills as well as thinking, expression, and communication skills (Kodaira Campus)

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