Business Administration | 愛知東邦大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS

Business Administration | 愛知東邦大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS


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財團法人亞洲學生文化協會與倍楽生(倍樂生)股份有限公司共同營運管理的JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT網站裡有刊載著現有大約招收外國留學生的1300個學校的大學學部、大學院、短期大學、專門學校的招生訊息。
在這裡有刊載著愛知東邦大学的詳細招生訊息。有Business Administration學部、Human Health學部、Education學部等各別學部的不同訊息,以及招收名額、合格人數等考試資訊、設施介紹、聯絡方式等對外國留學生是必要之訊息都刊載於此,請務必查閱及利用此網站。

大學 愛知縣  / 私立

愛知東邦大学 | Aichi Toho University

Business Administration

  • 入學考試資料
郵政編碼 465-8515
咨詢地址 3-11 Heiwagaoka, Meito-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
咨詢部門 Admission & PR Office
電話號碼 052-782-1600
傳真號碼 052-782-1943
留學生特別考試 有留學生特別考試
招生人數 若幹名 (2024年度)
參加考試人數 2人 (2023年度)
合格人數 2人 (2023年度)
在籍留學生數(持留學簽證) 19人 (2023年度)
在籍私費留學生數 19人 (2023年度)
報名費 30,000 日元 (2024年度)
入學金 280,000 日元 (2024年度)
教育費/年 700,000 日元 (2024年度)
其他費用 400,000 日元 (2024年度)
交納金的延遲/退還申請 可垂詢
備註 [Reduction system of School fees]
1st grade: 50% of Admission fee and Tuition fee are exempted.
After 2nd grades: Depending on academic records, numbers of taken credits and household cost, 0% to 50%.of tuition fee is exempted.

1: You will be provided 100,000 yen if you have taken more than 300 points or higher and 35 points or higher of writing section of EJU, or passed N1 level of JLPT at the admission.
2: You will be provided 50,000 yen if you take N1 level of JLPT or J1+ of BJT after the admission.

Please prepare your laptop before entering the university.
Required specifications and product information will be enclosed with the acceptance letter.

Faculty of Business Administration recruits applicants in a batch.

Amounts above are for the 1st year.
學科 Business、Communication Design
申請資料發布時期 7月中旬
大學單獨考試的歷年考題 非公開
入學年月(春期) 2025年4月入學
申請類別 私費外國留學生入學考試
申請時期的開始日期 2025年1月8日
申請時期的結束日期 2025年1月23日 (必須寄達)
考試日期 2025年2月2日
合格公布日期 2025年2月6日
入學手續截止日 2025年2月20日
渡日前的手續-來自海外的直接申請 不可
大學單獨考試的科目 小論文、面試
日本留學考試-要/不要 要。
日本留學考試-指定科目 日語
日本留學考試-出題語言 日語
日本留學考試-參照考試 2024年6月以後的考試
日語能力考試 需N2(2級水準)以上合格
備註 [Application Requirements]
Applicants must be at least 18 years old as of April 1, 2025 and meet all of the following requirements
Applicants must be of foreign nationality and have a status of residence that will not hinder admission.
Those who can obtain the status of residence of "College Student" under the "Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act" (Act No. 319 of 1951) after admission.
The applicant must have completed 12 years of school education in a foreign country or be recognized as having equivalent or higher qualifications.
The applicant must have Japanese language ability that will not hinder his/her study and daily life after entering the school.
The applicants must have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2 or higher, or have scored 180 or higher in Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension and Listening-Reading Comprehension, and 25 or higher in Writing Comprehension, or have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2 or higher in 2024 (the score of the previous year's test cannot be used). However, those who are enrolled in a high school or secondary school in Japan are exempted from this requirement.
If the applicants are enrolled in a Japanese language school, they must have a time attendance rate of 90% or higher.
Those who are able to pay their tuition and living expenses with the help of their relatives or others.
The applicants must have a reliable guarantor.
The guarantor must be a Japanese citizen or a person who has obtained "Permanent Resident" or "Special Permanent Resident" status as defined in the "Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act" and who can guarantee that he/she will be able to pay the school expenses.

最後更新日期: 2024年07月03日


