Faculty of Rehabilitation | 新潟医療福祉大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS

Faculty of Rehabilitation | 新潟医療福祉大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS


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大學 新瀉縣  / 私立

新潟医療福祉大学 | Niigata University of Health and Welfare

Faculty of Rehabilitation

  • 入學考試資料
郵政編碼 950-3198
咨詢地址 1398 Shimami-cho, Kita-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata
咨詢部門 Admissions Office
電話號碼 025-257-4459
傳真號碼 025-257-4456
留學生特別考試 接受與日本人相同的考試,且評價標準相同
報名費 35,000 日元 (2025年度)
入學金 350,000 日元 (2025年度)
教育費/年 1,000,000 日元 (2025年度)
其他費用 500,000 日元 (2025年度)
備註 Additional 45,000 yen is required to pay at 2 terms a year for the Department of Assistive Technology.
學科 Department of Physical Therapy、Department of Occupational Therapy、Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences、Department of Prosthetics & Orthotics and Assistive Technology、Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
申請資料發布時期 8月上旬
大學單獨考試的歷年考題 可郵寄(包括海外)
入學年月(春期) 2025年4月入學
申請類別 Comprehensive Selection System A (emphasis on initiative), Comprehensive Selection System B (emphasis on basic education)
申請時期的開始日期 2024年9月1日
申請時期的結束日期 2024年9月10日 (當天寄達郵戳有效)
考試日期 2024年9月28日 , 2024年10月19日
合格公布日期 2024年10月3日 , 2024年11月1日
入學手續截止日 2024年11月12日
大學單獨考試的科目 資料審查、面試。Test for basic education
日本留學考試-要/不要 不要。
英語考試 不舉行
日語能力考試 不要
備註 Method A (emphasis on initiative)
First selection examination: September 28, 2024 (Date of acceptance announcement: October 3, 2024)
Second selection examination: October 19, 2024 (Date of acceptance announcement: November 1, 2024)

For Department of Physical Therapy, Second selection (Interview) will be conducted only for those who pass First selection examination.

Method B (emphasis on basic education)
Selection Examination: September 28, 2024 (Date of announcement of acceptance: November 1, 2024)
The examination consists of the following questions: Japanese (Comprehensive Japanese (excluding classical Japanese and Chinese)), English (Communicative English I, Communicative English II, English Expression I (excluding listening)), Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, and Interpretation of data (reading of tables and graphs)).
入學年月(春期) 2025年4月入學
申請類別 Comprehensive Selection System D (emphasis on basic education)
申請時期的開始日期 2024年11月1日
申請時期的結束日期 2024年11月12日 (當天寄達郵戳有效)
考試日期 2024年11月30日
合格公布日期 2024年12月11日
入學手續截止日 2024年12月23日
大學單獨考試的科目 資料審查、面試。Test for basic education
日本留學考試-要/不要 不要。
英語考試 不舉行
日語能力考試 不要
備註 Test for basic education
Department of Physical Therapy: "Mathematics I ", "Fundamentals of Biology"
Department of Speech,Language,and Hearing Sciences: "English (Communicative English I, Communicative English II, English Expression I (excluding listening))", "Fundamentals of Biology"
Other Departments: "English (Communicative English I, Communicative English II, English Expression I (excluding listening))", "Japanese (Comprehensive Japanese (excluding classical Japanese and Chinese))"
入學年月(春期) 2025年4月入學
申請類別 General Selection 1st
申請時期的開始日期 2024年12月16日
申請時期的結束日期 2025年1月20日 (當天寄達郵戳有效)
考試日期 2025年2月4日 , 2025年2月5日
合格公布日期 2025年2月20日
入學手續截止日 2025年3月5日
大學單獨考試的科目 英語。Japanese, Selected subjects
日本留學考試-要/不要 不要。
英語考試 External English test
日語能力考試 不要
備註 The date of the selection examination is optional. You may take the examination only on one of the selection examination days or on both days.
Required subjects are English and Comprehensive Japanese.

For Department of Physical Therapy, please select one subject from "Mathematics I and Mathematics A," "Fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry", "Fundamentals of Physics and Biology", "Fundamentals of Chemistry and Biology", "Physics", "Chemistry", or "Biology".

For Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, please select one subject from "Mathematics I, Mathematics A", "Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry", "Basic Physics, Basic Biology", Basic Chemistry, Basic Biology", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Biology", "History Comprehensive (World History), World History Exploration", "History Comprehensive (Japanese History), Japanese History Exploration", or "Geography Comprehensive, Geography Exploration".

For other Departments, please select one subject from "Mathematics I, Mathematics A", "Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry", "Basic Physics, Basic Biology", "Basic Chemistry, Basic Biology", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Biology", "History Comprehensive (World History), World History Exploration", "History Comprehensive (Japanese History), Japanese History Exploration", "Geography Comprehensive, Geography Exploration", or "Information I"

There is a system in which the score of the English external certification examination can be converted into the score of the subject examination of "English".
If you use the score of the English Language Proficiency Test, "English" is optional.
If an applicant uses the score from the English Language Proficiency Test and takes English, the higher score from English and the English Deemed Score will be used for the pass/fail decision.

General Selection (Second Semester) available
Application Period: February 6, 2025 - February 21, 2025 (postmarked by February 21, 2025)
Examination Date: March 4, 2025
Date of acceptance announcement: March 12, 2025
Deadline of admission procedures: March 19, 2025 (postmarked by March 19, 2025)

最後更新日期: 2024年07月12日

