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研究科信息 | 人文科学研究科 | 武蔵大学(研究生院) | 日本的留學信息JPSS


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研究生院 東京都  / 私立

武蔵大学 | Musashi University

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Master’s Program

In the master’s program, we have established a Researcher Course, a Career Advancement Course, and a Lifelong Learning Course, allowing us to welcome students with a diverse range of goals.

Doctoral Program

The doctoral program is available for students who wish to delve deeper into their master’s program research. PhD students are enrolled for 3 years or more during which time they earn 12 or more credits in special lectures and write a doctoral thesis under the guidance of research supervisors, to be awarded a doctoral degree if their doctoral thesis is approved. As in the master’s degree, the doctoral program offers three majors—European and American Culture Studies, Japanese Studies, and Sociology—with entrance examinations undertaken separately for each major.

Musashi University

Musashi University

Musashi University

Musashi University

Musashi University

Musashi University

European and American Studies Major
Pursuing interdisciplinary research from a multifaceted approach that transcends the existing boundaries of the field of study.

1. Students can undertake specialized research into various themes relating to English, German, and French speaking countries.

2. This course offers students an opportunity to contemplate and deepen their knowledge by taking into consideration the close historical, social, and cultural relations within the Western culture sphere.

3. Students can learn and undertake interrelated research, with courses centered around the three core fields of Language and Literature, Ideology and History, and Comparative Literature and Comparative Culture.

Japanese Studies Major
Students will gain specialized knowledge and learn research methods for tackling the diversity of Japanese and East Asian cultures.

1. Students can undertake interdisciplinary and specialized research in areas such as Japanese Linguistics, History of Japanese Thought, Japanese Classical Literature, Japanese Modern Literature, Japanese Social History, Japanese Folk History, Japanese Everyday Culture, Japanese Entertainment History, East Asian Culture and more.

2. Upon completion of the Japanese language teacher program, graduates can become Japanese language teachers with a high degree of specialization.

3. We have a diverse student body with exchange students from various overseas universities such as Korea University and Xi’an International Studies University. Study abroad opportunities at these and other overseas partner schools are also available.

Sociology Major
Study society as an entity interwoven by human communication from a historical and cross-disciplinary perspective.

1. The Sociology Major has established systems, media, and culture as the key concepts of modern sociology studies, with specialized fields available for each of these. In addition, students can also pursue cross-disciplinary research in other areas, such as gender.

2. From the outset we have administered entrance examinations for people already in the work force, devoting efforts to training career professionals as well as researchers.

3. With emphasis placed on learning how to conduct practical social research such as surveys, fieldwork, interviews, media research and other sociological investigations, learning is not confined to the classroom.

